
The Humanities General Education Program provides for the study of fine arts, literature, humanities, drama, film, music, philosophy and foreign language which allows students the opportunity to learn specific methods for critically evaluating human values and conduct within historical and cultural contexts.


Educational Objectives

  • Foster intellectual curiosity, global knowledge, critical thinking, personal responsibility, and ethical and cultural awareness.
  • Prepare students to use language effectively.
  • Establish a framework for students to develop an aesthetic appreciation for fine arts.
  • Prepare students to be responsible citizens, lifelong learners, and world-ready leaders in their chosen fields.


Expected Student Learning Outcomes


Global Humanities Learning Objectives

Students will:

  1. Critical Thinking
    • Become better critical thinkers by learning to identify, clarify and evaluate important ideas and arguments.
    • Learn to challenge standard assumptions by asking constructive questions and presenting coherent perspectives as the result of their questioning process.
  2. Communication
    • Improve their ability to communicate effectively using written, oral, and/or visual media. Lifelong Learning and Independent Learning Skills.
  3. Lifelong Learning and Independent Learning Skills
    • Develop better information literacy by recognizing the different cultural, social, political, etc. contexts in which meaning is made and through which it is disseminated.
  4. Teamwork
    • Learn to coordinate and cooperate with others to achieve shared goals.

Discipline-Specific Humanities Learning Objectives for ALPs

Students will:

  1. Cultural Awareness (Literature)
    • Develop a familiarity with other cultural perspectives, which is essential to success in our globalized world.
  2. Understanding of Ethical Practice (Philosophy)
    • Gain greater ethical awareness, by grasping theory and being able to apply theory to particular situations.
  3. Design (Art)
    • Knows the elements and principles of design as they relate to the expressive and communicative potential of two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and/or digital media.

Summary of Student Learning Outcomes

Tthe Humanities faculty formally assess the student learning outcomes summarized in the annual report. Additional details can be found in department assessment records.


MariaLynn Kessler
MariaLynn Kessler
Department Chair
