Safe Spring Break Spa

It is time to take a break and attend the Safe Spring Break Spa. If you need further information, please contact the Integrated Student Health by calling 541-885-1800.

Events to Enjoy March 11-13 2024

The staff at the Integrated Student Health Center would like all students to have a safe and wonderful spring break. Prior to Spring Break, come and enjoy our informative spa. All Oregon Tech Students are welcome at these events.

  • Restorative Yoga - March 11th - 3-4pm in Mt. Mazama Complex

  • Meditation Session - March 12th - 3-4pm in Mt Bailey

  • FREE Manicures - March 13th - 12:30-3:30pm at the College of Cosmetology

    Located at 357 E Main St, Klamath Falls, OR 97601. We are teaming up with KCC (the new owners of the College of Cosmetology) and providing FREE manicure to Oregon Tech students on March 13th between 12:30pm - 3:30pm. All currently enrolled students are welcome to join us for this event. 

    These Manicures are either a simple polish or you have elect to have a Man's Manicure where the nails are simple buffed. 

    Come to 357 East Main Street and treat yourself to a manicure of choice. 

    We will have several door prizes and Safe Spring Break FREE Drawings for you to participate in as well.

    It's time for a treat! Come and participate with us today.


Freedom from Smoking

An American Lung Association curriculum offered by Klamath County Public Health. Call first; COVID may have effected meeting times and place. Klamath County Public Health Department can be reached at 541-882-8846.



American Lung Association

Tribal Members

Klamath Tribal Health offers cessation products from the pharmacy. The pharmacists offer medication and cessation education. You will also be given a Quit Kit filled with information, a guide to quit smoking, and other goodies to help you quit. Tribal members are referred to the Oregon Quit Line or Freedom From Smoking program for in-depth and personalized cessation counseling.