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Volume 35 of the Shaw Historical Journal is Now Available!
It is titled “Far Corners 3: Historic Buildings in the Land of Lakes”, and presents information, stories and images of buildings and people that were, and are, part of the history and culture of the Land of Lakes region.
About Shaw Historical Library
The Shaw Historical Library's mission is to acquire, preserve and share the history of the Land of Lakes and inspire discovery of the region’s heritage. Land of Lakes includes south-central Oregon, northern California and northwestern Nevada. Read more about the history of the Shaw Historical Library.
Regular Hours (during terms)
Monday - Thursday: 10 am to 4 pm (closed for lunch from 12 - 1). Closed Friday - Sunday.
When the Oregon Tech campus is closed (during summer, winter, and spring breaks), the Shaw Historical Library is closed as well. Inclement weather may cause the Shaw Historical Library to close for the safety of our staff.
For more information go to: About the SHL
The Shaw Historical Library detailed descriptions for collections are found on the Archives West website.