Oral History:
Interview#: OH029
Interviewee: Chuck Lynn
Interviewer: Derek Ball, Tyler Puzey, Josh Henry
Date: 12/10/2011
Location: Shaw Historical Library
Length: 23:09
Subjects: Klamath Falls, OTI
Time Index | Topic |
0:00 - 3:00 | Introductions; Working in Klamath Falls; Diesel Program OIT |
3:00 - 4:00 | Family |
4:00 - 8:20 | OTI experience and memories attending OTI; Diesel Technology; Extra-curricular activities. |
8:20 - 10:50 | Work after OTI; Lowrance Radiation Laboratory; Family; Moving back to Klamath Falls. |
10:50 - 15:15 | Working in the Forest; Working for City Chocker; Steel Company; Coke Cola Service Manager; Distributing resources. |
15:15 - 18:38 | College Stories; Rebuilding Tractor Engines; OTI Teachers. |
18:38 - 19:20 | Childhood memories. |
19:20 - 21:17 | Current life; Hunting and Fishing. |
21:17 - 23:09 | Word of Advice. |
Audio recording
(WAV format)The interview's video file can be watched in the Shaw Historical Library during open hours