Oral History:
Interview#: OH016
Interviewee: Darle Bernice Helfrich Runnels
Interviewer: Barbara Ditman, Todd Keppel
Date: 09/29/2010
Location: 2825 East Mount Street
Length: 1:19:38
Subjects: Klamath Falls
Time Index | Topic |
0:00 - 6:24 | Introductions; family (husband Harold "Buff" Runnels, son Mark). |
6:25 - 20:24 | Family History & Family Business (The Klamath Second-hand Store, Maralow's ice cream store); Calpine Lumber Company, The Reames Country Club, East Main Street; Living in Ashland. |
20:25 - 30:06 | Riverside School. |
30:07 - 55:20 | Darle's parents (father, John Devere; mother, Helen Grace Helfrich); Devere's work as a rodeo photographer and Helen's involvement. |
55:21 - 1:01:58 | The family work at the Klamath County Creamery; The Hagelsteins, Dorothy Hagelstein; The Creamery's current owners, the Buchannans. |
1:01:59 - 1:06:45 | Prostitution and logging crews in Klamath Falls; Irene's, The Iron Door; Darle's boss, Bob Veech. |
1:06:46 - 1:11:58 | Work with the haw Historical Library and others (Dr. Larry Blake, Leonard Freiser, Steve Kandra, Francis "Van" Landrum, Josephine Reginato). |
1:11:59 - 1:19:39 | May King and Larry Turner, local photographers; Devere's photography career; Devere and Helen's relationship. |

Audio recording
(WAV format)The interview's video file can be watched in the Shaw Historical Library during open hours