Oral History:
Interview#: OH033
Interviewee: Elaine_Meeker
Interviewer: Levi Anderson, Jeremy Riblett, Robert Altieri
Date: 11/22/2012
Location: Shaw Historical Library
Length: 28:10
Subjects: OIT Diesel Program
Time Index | Topic |
0:00 - 1:50 | Introductions; Family; Education History. |
1:50 - 6:00 | Diesel Program; Memories of attending OTI; Extra-curricular activities; OTI classmates. |
6:00 - 8:00 | Diesel Program; Diesel Program Teachers; Diesel Program classes; |
8:00 - 12:00 | Life after graduation; Working for ODOT; Life of learning the diesel technology; |
12:00 - 14:50 | Word of advice to students |
14:50 - 15:43 | Self Reflection; ODOT |
15:43 - 18:30 | Thomason Sales and Services, Bend; Only female diesel engineer experience in the workforce. |
18:30 - 21:33 | How to be remembered; student experience at OTI; |
21:33 - 28:10 | Diesel Projects; Car Engine Rebuilding; Family; |

Audio recording
(WAV format)The interview's video file can be watched in the Shaw Historical Library during open hours