Oral History:
Interview#: OH015
Interviewee: Mildred & Philip Swisher
Interviewer: Barbara Ditman, Todd Keppel
Date: 9/08/2010
Location: 2825 East Mount Street
Length: 56:05
Subjects: Klamath Falls
Time Index | Topic |
0:00 - 1:31 | Introductions. |
1:32 - 7:32 | Mildred's family history (Father, Earl Doyel Anderson; Husband, Keith; Mother-in-law, Margaret Frank Swisher; Ed Gary). |
7:34 - 11:36 | Guss and Kate Hilyard(Children: Faral (Sons: Garrett Dean (Wife, Jean),Glen(Wife, Shirley), Gertrude);Chett Barton). |
11:37 - 18:25 | Potato harvesting. |
18:26 - 32:41 | Neighborhood history and business. |
32:42 - 34:50 | Changes in Klamath Falls. |
34:51 - 38:03 | Philip's family and history; Ray LaMarsh; Work with Balsiger Motor Company; Education at OTI. |
38:04 - 44:44 | Philip's work as a volunteer firefighter, care salesman, special deputy, code enforcer, and drug team scout, Ray LaMarsh. |
44:45 - 49:02 | Faral Hilyard and his son Garrett. |
49:03 - 52:58 | Idela's store; Soder's Market, previously Bertha's. |
52:59 - 56:05 | Observations of what was the Hilyards' land. |
Interview audio
The interview's video file can be watched in the Shaw Historical Library during open hours