Klamath Falls Campus Library

The Oregon Tech Library is located in the Learning Resources Center (LRC) on the Oregon Tech campus in Klamath Falls, Oregon. The Library's main collections are located on the first floor of the LRC, with the Shaw Historical Library, administrative offices, and group-study rooms located on the second floor.
Library resources and services include an online catalog, 90 online databases, journals in print and electronic forms, print and electronic books, federal and Oregon state documents, interlibrary loans, classes, tours, and seminars. Study rooms are available on both the first and second floors.
Oregon Tech Library is a member of the Orbis Cascade Alliance, a consortium of 38 Pacific Northwest university and college libraries. Oregon Tech students, faculty and staff can borrow materials from any Orbis Cascade Alliance library electronically, using the online catalog.
Portland-Metro Campus Library

Offering a local print collection and access to a variety of online research tools, the Oregon Tech Portland-Metro Library in Wilsonville offers reference, research assistance and information literacy instruction. Group study rooms are available, and may be reserved up to one week in advance. There are also comfortable study areas located through out the library.
From off-campus, students are able to gain remote access to the library's electronic resources, including more than 90 online databases and 250 electronic journals, via proxy server by simply using the same login and password used for Oregon Tech email (my.oit). Through the library's website, students may place requests and borrow materials through the library catalog, with access to over 30 academic libraries throughout the Pacific Northwest.