The Klamath Falls Library is located in the Learning Resources Center (LRC) on the Oregon Tech campus in Klamath Falls, Oregon. The Library's main collections are located on the first floor of the LRC, with administrative offices, group-study rooms, and the Shaw Historical Library located on the second floor.
The Library contains approximately 140,000 books and bound periodicals, and subscribes to over 1,200 periodicals. Resources and services include an online catalog, 90 online databases, federal and Oregon state documents, interlibrary loans, classes, tours, and seminars. Microform readers-printers and copy machines are available, as well as over 40 computer workstations are available for public use.
The library offers a variety of study spaces from group study rooms where you can close the door to individual study carrels where you can quietly cram for your next quiz. There are comfortable seating options and more traditional desks and chairs. We try to offer something that will fit for everyone.
The Oregon Tech Library is a part of the Orbis-Cascade Alliance. Over 35 other colleges in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho form this consortium. You may request items through Summit as an Oregon Tech student and they will be delivered to the Oregon Tech Main Campus Library in 5-7 business days. Or, if you are near a college in The Alliance you may go to that college and check out the book as a "Visiting Summit Borrower." Summit items may be searched in the online catalog.
Getting to the Library
To the Klamath Falls Campus:
Come onto Campus Drive from Hwy 97/Crater Lake Highway. Pass through a traffic light and soon after, turn right onto Campus Dr. (past the Hospital). Turn right to the parking lot to get a parking permit.
To Campus Safety and Parking Permit booth:
Getting to the Information Booth (Parking Lot D) requires you to turn left (go west) on Campus Dr. until the stop sign. Then (and this is the tricky bit) you turn left, BUT DO NOT GO INTO THE HOSPITAL’S PARKING LOT! You continue going west on the eastbound lanes until you get to the entrance to Lot D.
To the Oregon Tech Library in the Learning Resource Center (LRC):
The Library is at the back of the campus. After obtaining a parking pass, pull out to the right to the stop sign. Continue straight ahead until the road dead ends, take a left, follow this road and curve to the left so you are going west on College Way toward the Upper Klamath Lake. After the baseball field and immediately after the track field, turn left onto Danny Miles Way. The speed limit is 15 mph. Come straight ahead and park in the back of the library (Parking Lot K). There is a handicap ramp at this library entrance and the loading dock to help you identify the building. After walking up the stairs or making use of the handicap ramp, enter through the double doors. You are entering on the second floor. There is an elevator on the right. Press "1." After exiting the elevator, turn to the right, go through the door into the building, and pass through the gates on the right to the library areas.
To the Shaw Historical Library in the Learning Resource Center:
After arriving at the Oregon Tech Library and entering at the entrance nearest to the loading dock, you are on the second floor. There is an elevator on the right. Turn right past the elevator and the Shaw Historical Library door entrance is straight ahead just past the staircase.