The library offers a variety of study spaces from enclosed group study rooms to individual study carrels where you can quietly cram for your next quiz. There are comfortable seating options throughout, along with more traditional desks and chairs. Please contact the library at if you have any questions.
Study Rooms by Campus
Library Study Room Policy
Oregon Tech Students, Faculty, and Staff may reserve Study Rooms up to one (1) week in advance. When reserving the room, you will be asked for the number of people in your group. Reservations will be held until 15 minutes after the beginning of the scheduled time period. After 15 minutes, the room may be reassigned. Reservations may be made through the library catalog, or by stopping by the Library Help desk.
Check Out Procedures
Study room keys are available for checkout with an Oregon Tech ID at the Library Desk. Keys should be checked out immediately prior to use of the room. The person who checks out the room key is responsible for upholding the policies, maintaining the security of the room, and returning the key.
If you need more time, check with the Library Desk. If the room is not reserved by another group, you may have the option to renew your time.
Use Policies
- Study Rooms are for use for a Two (2) Hour Period .
- Study Rooms are for individual use by Oregon Tech Students, Faculty, or Staff.
- Conversation or presentation volume should be confined to the room you are occupying.
- Study Room keys may not leave the building.
- Please clean the room before and after use.
- To respect users' privacy, the library is unable to tell what study room an individual is using or has used in the past.
- Posters, notes, and other items may not be hung on walls or windows. Some white boards are magnetic.
- The Library is not responsible for the security of personal items left unattended.
- The Library reserves the right to enter rooms at any time.