Assessment Process
The assessment of institutional effectiveness at Oregon Tech is an inclusive process that involves the entire campus community. It is based on Oregon Tech's strategic mission to foster student and graduate success, by providing a hands-on, project-based learning environment that emphasizes innovation, scholarship, and applied research. As such assessment processes include the submission of programmatic assessment reports from all academic programs, the assessment of student performance on Institutional Student Learning Outcomes, evaluation of the student perspective on their learning, and coordination between academic programs and non-academic departments in the allocation of university resources that support student success.
The links below include past institutional assessment activities, the current assessment cycle, the repsonsible committees for overseeing assessment processes, definitions of Institutional Student Learning Outcomes and current and past institutional success indicators as reported by the department of Institutional Research and the National Survey.
Comments and questions may be directed to the Assessment Committee or the Provost's Office.
Assessment Resources