Klamath Falls Testing Center

Testing Services

What Testing Services does Oregon Tech provide?

Klamath Falls
All Locations
Image shows the Oregon Tech block logo with "Oregon" in white text inside a blue box and "Tech" in blue text in yellow box above the text "Disability and Testing Services"

Who We Serve

Our Testing Centers serve current students and faculty on the Klamath Falls and Portland-Metro campuses, by providing a reduced distraction environment for students taking exams while maintaining academic integrity on behalf of the faculty.  While we strive to provide a welcoming environment, our Testing Centers are unable to proctor exams for an entire course and are also unable to provide proctors in the classroom.


IMPORTANT:  Faculty are expected to communicate with their students who have testing accommodations to discuss how the student will receive their accommodations on upcoming exams and quizzes.  A variety of options exist for ensuring accessibility for your in-person and remote/online assessments. For more information, please refer to the Disability Services Training on the OIT DICE Resource on Canvas or contact Disability & Testing Services.


Accommodated Exams:

The Testing Center is available to proctor exams on behalf of the faculty for students with approved Testing Accommodations.  Each Testing Center is equipped with staff, technology, and resources to provide an environment that can meet all Testing Accommodations provided by the university.  Students are expected to schedule their accommodated exams at least one business-day in advance of the exam date.  Students and faculty should log into the Accessible Information Management (AIM) system for exams with accommodations.


Make-Up Exams:

The Testing Center is available to proctor exams for students who are 'making-up' a missed exam due to faculty-approved reasons, Athletic/university absences, and unforeseen circumstances outside of the student's control (ex. illness, bereavement, etc.).  Due to finite seating, the Testing Centers may need to decline 'Make-Up' Exam requests if space is unavailable and temporarily close the request form.  Please contact our office (access@oit.edu) for further assistance.

Faculty initiate the 'make-up' exam by completing the below request form (campus-specific):


Testing Center Information 

Klamath Falls Campus (LRC 230 - 2nd floor of Library)
Portland-Metro Campus (Suite 431 - next to Tutoring Center)
Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pmMonday - Friday, 9am - 6pm
Closed on Weekends and HolidaysClosed on Weekends and Holidays
Email: testing@oit.eduEmail: portland-testing@oit.edu


Remote Exam Proctoring

For information on our use of Remote Exam Proctoring via Respondus, visit our Exam Proctoring page.

Testing Center FAQs

No - personal devices are not allowed in the Testing Center.  While exams and activities are proctored, we are unable to verify that personal devices are not being used to access prohibited aids.  If the instructor has given permission for the use of technology (ex. Excel, computer software, etc.), the Testing Center provides computers for student use.  Personal devices should be locked up in a provided locker for the duration of your exam.

In most cases, no - out of precaution for any unknown allergens that a student may have, only water is permitted in the Testing Centers.  It is recommended that you finish all meals and store any beverages you may have prior to beginning your exam.

It is important to always check your course syllabi and the Final Exam schedule (posted by the Registrar's Office) before making travel plans.  You should communicate with your instructor as soon as possible to create an alternate arrangement.  Due to the limited space in the Testing Center, especially around times when students typically travel (midterms, Finals Week), your request may not be possible.  It is recommended that you make alternate arrangements with your instructor.

Yes - you can take short breaks for the bathroom or other purpose during your exam, however, your exam time is not paused.  It is recommended that you take a bathroom break before starting the exam.  While breaks are allowed, you are not allowed to access the personal items in your locker once the exam has started.  If you need to take a break to attend to medical needs, please create that plan with the proctors in advance of your exam to ensure that access can be efficient.