What you will learn
Systems engineers address complex problems in areas such as electrical and electronic systems, information systems, renewable energy systems, economic and financial systems, telecommunications, transportation, project management, and manufacturing. Systems engineering is not about specific technologies, but how to put heterogeneous technologies together to formulate system solutions to complex problems. As such, systems engineering is a multidisciplinary engineering discipline concerned with the design, modeling, analysis, and management of technological systems that employ a combination of devices, software, hardware, firmware, materials, and humans for such diverse purposes as communications, energy engineering, health care, transportation or manufacturing.

The dual major in Systems Engineering & Technical Management is designed for students with an ABET accredited primary major in an engineering discipline offered at Oregon Tech. Students first choose a primary major (e.g., Electrical Engineering, Renewable Energy Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering), and complete additional specialized coursework to earn a second major in Systems Engineering & Technology Management. The program is designed so that both majors in the degree can be completed in 4 years by taking summer courses. ABET ETAC degree students may also pursue the dual major with departmental approval.
Jobs and Careers in Systems Engineering
After 4 years, graduates of the dual degree program are technically competent in an engineering discipline and ready to enter the workforce as functional engineers but also have formal education, training and skills in systems engineering, project management, product development, strategy and innovation, and engineering management to assume functional managerial positions, such as project managers and technical team leaders.

Featured Courses
The dual major curriculum provides engineering students with design viewpoints and methodologies that emphasize system integration, and with subject matter and tools for modeling and analysis especially appropriate for large complex systems including system theory, simulation, computational data analysis and statistics, and engineering management. This dual major is designed to address the need for both systems engineering and T-shape individuals at the BS level.
Systems Engineering
Foundations of Systems Engineering: structure of complex systems, system development processes and frameworks, systems engineering management, and more.
Advanced Management for Engineering
Competitive strategic frameworks, strategic execution frameworks, project management, financial management, and more.
Lean Manufacturing
Process optimization and quality improvement for manufacturing. Just-in-time skills, value-added analysis, and one piece flow to reduce inventory and waste.