College students are a relatively vulnerable population when it comes to sexual assault. Students are often young and relatively inexperienced in relationships. Many students are away from home for the first time, and eager to develop new friendships. As a result, they can be quick to trust strangers, even those who may not be trustworthy. Students' use of alcohol also makes them more vulnerable.
Preventing sexual assault is everyone's business. To find prevention tips for both female and male students, follow the first two attachments to the right.
- understand typical reactions to sexual assault
- understand your choices
- find resources for help
If you are a faculty or staff member responding to sexual assault, follow the attachment to the right to view Oregon Tech's protocol for faculty and staff response as well as resources to find the student help.
Oregon Tech's Student Health Center is available to meet the medical needs of students who have been victimized.
View additional information about sexual misconduct and the Student Code of Conduct.