Housing & Residence Life
Housing has successfully welcomed our biggest number of residents this fall after a record number of on campus resident joined us last fall-we are hopping in Housing!! We are currently housing close to 700 students in on-campus housing, with a vibrant, active, fun-filled communities! Students can gather in small groups, and join in activities in person, but we are still asking all students to wear a face covering, and work to distance a bit socially.
Fall term also allows us this year to offer meals in person, along with small gatherings of students for activities. It is so wonderful to walk through the College Union (where the dining center is located) and see students sitting at tables together (leaving some distance between each other) enjoying great company with their meals! So far this year, students are engaged in a lot of gaming activities, from Dungeons and Dragons, to Smash Bros and every board and/or card game imaginable. Small gatherings for movie nights, pumpkin painting and more have occurred so far this term, with more coming up as the weather turns colder.
Student staff have also been hard at work posting creative and interactive bulletin boards for students to share their thoughts individually and find a light spot of sunshine or “Dad Jokes” as they move through the halls. For the first time, the Residence Hall Association (RHA) hosted Trunk or Treat as we are not able to host Haunted House due to COVID-19 restrictions. This was a small event, but for the first year, we were excited to see Oregon Tech faculty, staff, and students join us!
Housing and Residence Life has reached out to our residential students to share housing and dining related plans to Thanksgiving and Winter Breaks. Housing and Residence Life will close for Thanksgiving break on Tuesday, November 23, 2021 at 5 pm, but students are welcome to remain on campus if they register. Housing will re-open Saturday night and the Housing Office will re-open on Monday, November 29, 2021.
Finally, students have been busy these past weeks working on tests and projects. The support and encouragement you offer to your students during this time of midterms and getting ready for break periods has been amazing to see-keep it up-we know your students are stressed but see how your kind words, support, and encouragement mean the world to your students. Please gently remind them during this time to take short breaks, and to read and respond to their Oregon Tech email.😊
Thanks for reading all about what Housing and Residence Life staff are working on, and what your students may be enjoying! Please know each staff member on our team is dedicated to the safety and success of your student. We are here to partner with you and answer any questions you may have as your student enjoys their time with us in the housing community. Feel free to reach any of us in the Housing Office at 541-885-1094 or via email at housing@oit.edu.
Integrated Student Health Center
Time to starting thinking about Winter Break!
I know it’s hard to believe, but we are already mostly through the Fall term, and before you know it Winter Break will be upon us. As many of you have students who will be coming home for the break, we wanted to encourage you to consider a few things:
- The person returning home to you may be quite different from the person whom you brought to campus – many students take this time to explore their identities and discover who they are “as a college student.” This can result in changes in hair styles, clothing, tastes in movies and music, or even piercings or other body art. Try to remain calm and sit on your urge to critique the “new” them. Often, by the time they return for summer, they have settled back into a more traditional version of themselves, and this entire process is completely healthy and part of their development into a grown-up!
- Expectations for one another may have changed – Keep in mind that your student has been living on his/her own for 3 months, and as such have earned their independence. Although it remains reasonable for you to maintain your authority, it would be a good idea to have a conversation about expectations. For instance, it would make sense for them to keep from disrupting your schedules by being loud or disruptive late at night, but it is less reasonable to have a curfew in place (as they may have been subject to in high school). Trust me that having an open conversation about what you expect from one another will prevent conflict and hurt feelings during the visit.
- It may be hard for them to leave – Sometimes, students struggle with the idea of leaving home to return for Winter term. It may be equally hard for you to let them go – again. Try to be positive about their return to Oregon Tech, encouraging them that they have one term under their belt, and by the time you see them next they may be 2/3 of the way through the year. Or, even better, plan out the next visit, hopefully occurring before Spring Break. Remind them of the new friends they have waiting back at school, and how very proud you are of them. Once they leave, then you can let your emotions show.
Just like your student, you too should be congratulated for making it through their first term. Enjoy time with them during the break, have a wonderful holiday season, and send them back to us refreshed and ready for Winter term.

Cashier's Calendar
12/20/21 | Late fees assessed on accounts with past due balances greater than $99* |
12/20/21 | Interest assessed on balances over 30 days @ 1%/month |
12/20/21 | Final Fall Statements generated (available on CASHNet Dec. 21) |
12/20/21 | Winter Term Statements generated (available on CASHNet Dec. 21) |
12/30/21 | Financial Aid begins disbursing to students' accounts |
1/3/22 | Winter Term classes begin |
1/14/22 | Last day to drop courses for 100% refund (Deadline is 5:00 p.m. PDT/PST) |
1/14/22 | Full Winter Term balance due or 1st Payment Plan payment (at least 1/3 of balance) |
1/17/22 | No Classes-Martin Luther King Jr Day |
1/18/22 | Holds placed on accounts for students that failed to pay balance due or 1st payment plan payment |
1/18/22 | Statements generated (available on CASHNet Jan. 19) |
1/21/22 | Last day to drop courses for 50% refund (Deadline is 5:00 p.m. PDT/PST) |
1/28/22 | Last day to drop courses for 25% refund (Deadline is 5:00 p.m. PDT/PST) |
1/31/22 | Processing of refunds due to students for dropped courses begins this week |
2/4/22 | 2nd Payment Plan payment due (second 1/3 of balance due) |
2/7/22 | Holds placed on payment plan accounts for students that failed to make 2nd payment plan payment |
2/15/22 | Late Fees assessed on accounts with balances greater than $99* |
2/15/22 | Interest assessed on balances over 30 days @ 1%/month* |
2/15/22 | Statements generated (available on CASHNet Feb. 16) |
3/18/22 | Final Payment Plan payment due (or ANY remaining balance) |
3/18/22 | Last Day of Winter Term |
3/21/22 | Interest assessed on balances over 30 days@ 1%/month |
3/21/22 | Late fees assessed on accounts with past due balances greater than $99* |
3/21/22 | Final Winter Statements generated (available on CASHNet Mar. 22) |
3/21-25/22 | No Classes - SPRING BREAK |
Academic Calendar
Winter Term 2022
Date | Event |
Nov 8-19, 2021 | Registration for Winter Term |
Dec 31 | New Year's holiday observation |
Jan 3 | Classes begin |
Jan 7 | Last day to use Web for Student for all registration changes |
Jan 14 | Tuition and Fees due |
Jan 14 | Last day to drop without a 'W'* must request by 5pm |
Jan 14 | Last day to register without late charge |
Jan 17 | Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday |
Feb 14-Feb 24 | Registration for Spring Term |
Feb 18 | Last day to withdraw from an individual course* |
Mar 11 | Last day to completely withdraw |
Mar 14-17 | Final Exams week |
Mar 18 | Winter Term ends |

C.A.R.E.S. – Center for Academic Resources and Engagement Services
CARES offers support to multiple Campus Resources for Students success.
It is our goal to support each and every student. When schools provide their students with resources that fit individual needs, the entire institution improves and thrives collectively.
Given the global shift we have all collectively gone through, we all have a journey, a story, a need. The days are gone of the traditional student. To ensure all students persist and graduate, be they first-generation, part-time, adult or “traditional.” It is our goal to reimagine the care models, experiences, structures, and technologies they provide. We will continue to eliminate barriers through cross-campus initiatives to support all students.
Academic Resources and Engagement Services are as follows:
Career Services – (All Locations) Offers career advising, resume writing, job interviewing workshops, job search assistance, career fairs, and job listings. Career Services has created many supports that are now available to students online! These supports are in the form of documents, videos, checklists, etc., that students can use at their convenience when preparing a resume, searching for internship or job opportunities, preparing for interviews and MUCH more!
You can find these resources in Canvas. If students are still looking for support, please email the Career Service Office career@oit.edu.
Access & Campus Equity Services (ACES)- (All Locations) Coordinates academic, housing, and program service accommodations for students with documented physical, learning, sensory, psychiatric, and other disabilities.
Peer Consulting Services (All Locations)
- FREE Academic Support
- Virtual Tutoring Hours
- One-on-One Virtual Consulting Appointments
- Zoom Consulting
- Online Writing Lab
Peer Consulting On-Line – is a web-based scheduling platform for ALL Oregon Tech students.
- Peer Consulting Services (PCS) offers FREE remote academic support to ALL students of Oregon Tech.
- PCS aims to improve student success by providing a welcoming environment where students can work toward their academic goals with peer support. Peer tutors help your student develop effective learning strategies and provide guidance in understanding concepts and solving problems. The consultants who work at Peer Consulting are your student’s peers, have taken the same classes your student has, and have earned a 3.0 or greater.
- As we navigate fall term, PCS strives to support students both in-person and remotely. Students can meet remotely with a Peer Consultant via Zoom and can access our online scheduler through their TECHweb account or by visiting the PCS website.
- In addition to remote tutoring access, PCS also offers:
- In-person tutoring (by appointment) in the Klamath Falls Campus Peer Consulting Center (located on the 2nd floor of the library, LRC 233). In-person appointments can be made using the link above.
- The Online Writing Lab (OWL): OWL consultants assist students writing in any discipline and at any stage of the writing process—from brainstorming and researching to revising and citations. Writing consultants work with you to improve your writing skills; they do not provide last minute proofreading and editing services. Students can submit an assignment to the OWL through TECHweb or the PCS website.
- Group Study Sessions: Students can stay connected with their classmates through Zoom study sessions. A list of open study sessions is available on the PCS website.
- Peer Consulting Services is proud to support students’ remote, in-person, and hybrid courses and be a part of their learning experience. If you have any questions, please email peerconsulting@oit.edu or call us direct at 541-851-5226.
Tech Opportunities Program (TOP)
- Klamath Falls - Powering the potential of first-generation students, low-income students, and students with disabilities.
Testing Services in Klamath Falls -Promotes academic success by working with faculty and students to provide testing services for any of the Oregon Tech academic courses.
Academic Advising and Retention - The Office of Academic Advising & Retention is a professional advising center for all incoming Oregon Tech students.
CARES Staff – Is available to support and assist all students with on-site and off-site resources for academic and/or personal needs.
Career Services
We just wrapped up our Fall Career Fairs which took place virtually via our university job board, Handshake! We had over 50 employers participate between our Business, Government, & Nonprofit and our Engineering & Technology Career Fairs. Students had the opportunity to design a custom schedule ahead of time and meet with employers in both group settings and one on one settings.
Leading up to the Career Fairs, Career Services hosted a number of workshops to help students prepare. These workshops included Resume Fundamentals, Career Fair Success Tips, and Navigating Handshake. At our Portland Metro (Wilsonville) campus, we had employer hosted resume reviews as well.
While the Career Fairs were virtual, we had several employers come on campus to host information sessions and meet with students face to face the week of the career fairs, adding extra energy and engagement to our career related events.
Outside of the Career Fair events, we also hosted a MECOP informational session with some of our partners from Boeing.
We always like to remind our students that we have lots of resources available to them to help them prepare for a job or internship opportunities, year-round! Students should check out our Internship and Job Search Resources Canvas Course.
We will be hosting another Career Fair in the Spring, so students who are still looking for a job or internship will have another opportunity to connect to employers. Stay tuned for details on that event!
Oregon Tech Library
Greetings from the Oregon Tech Library. We are so happy to have Oregon Tech students back on campus. The energy of the student community is what makes Oregon Tech so special. The library is filled with students again!
To welcome back the students, the library participated in the Week of Welcome at the beginning of the Fall term by giving out special Learning Resource Center tote bags filled with water bottles and other helpful study items to ease the students back into the on-campus life.
The library was busy this past summer preparing for the returning students. We put the finishing touches on expanding student study space in the library. We created 12,000 extra square feet of space to improve social distancing while they use the library. Later this Fall term, the library will be creating new student group and individual study spaces. This improves and updates furniture for student’s use and includes modern study pods and current technology study spaces so students can collaborate with their teams and with off-campus partners. (See below for renditions).
This past academic year, Oregon Tech library created its Textbook Affordability strategic plan. This plan outlines campus-wide efforts to replace expensive publisher’s textbooks with open access course materials. These course materials are either created by Oregon Tech faculty or adopted from existing materials and tailored to course needs. In the past three years, through the Textbook Affordability plan, Oregon Tech faculty have saved students $826,902.00 in textbook savings. We will pass one million dollars in textbook savings for students by the end of this Fall term!

Cornett Hall Ribbon Cutting
Oregon Tech administrators, faculty, students and stakeholders finally got to cut the ribbon on the newly renovated Cornett Hall on Thursday.
The building, which houses modernized learning spaces and multiple hands-on labs key to many engineering courses, has been fully functioning since last year, but a pandemic delay pushed the ribbon cutting to this school year. The 101,000 square-foot space is the largest on campus. Read More from the Herald & News
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Scholarship Milestone
Oregon Tech Foundation Scholarships open in December
The Oregon Tech Foundation and Alumni Association are here to show support for your students! Through initiatives that fund priorities such as academics, classroom upgrades, student projects, faculty development, capital projects, athletics, and scholarships, we work to further the goals of the university and enrich the educational experience for all students, supporting the greatest needs of the University. This year we are thrilled to have awarded over $850,000 in scholarships to very deserving students, helping each one get another step closer to achieving their degrees and their dreams.
Our job at the Foundation is to support the mission of Oregon Tech, especially students. One of the ways in which we strive to do so is through our scholarship program. What this means for students is that nearly 300 young people will have a brighter future, a boost in morale and a vote of confidence. This milestone is possible through the generosity of individuals, including faculty, staff, alumni, students, industry partners and community members, and foundations, organizations, and businesses who believe in our exceptional students.
Applications for the Oregon Tech Foundation scholarship program will open again in December and details will be available through the Financial Aid Office. We hope you will encourage your student to apply! For more information regarding the scholarship program or the Oregon Tech Foundation, please contact Mira Wonderwheel at 541-851-5679 or mira.wonderwheel@oit.edu.

Week of Welcome
New Student Programs kicked off the fall term with New Student Orientation and Weeks of Welcome. In true “Hustlin’ Owl” spirit, we hosted over 290 students on campus for New Student Orientation and brought in the new year with over 40 events to attend throughout the first two weeks of school!
Portland-Metro Week of Welcome Kick’s Off A New Year
After five terms of remote learning and limited on-campus activity due to COVID restrictions, Portland-Metro staff and faculty were excited to welcome back students on September 29th. The Student Involvement Belonging (SIB) planned multiple events during their Week of Welcome to re-establish an engaging and supportive campus community. Events included a Kick-Off BBQ, pop-up Pop Shoppe, Cookies and Questions, and Spirit Fridays where Oregon Tech gear was handed out. A Community Fair was held to highlight free Oregon Tech resources available to assist students in their academic and personal goals. The week culminated in Hootie’s Birthday bash with live music, inflatables and Kona Ice. It was hard to tell who was enjoying a return to more traditional in-person campus experiences – the students or staff.
1st Gen Celebrations
Trying to navigate without a map can be what it feels like for a first-generation student who decides to pursue higher education. In support of those students who are the first in their families to attend college, Oregon Tech participated in a nationwide event, First-Generation College Celebration, on Nov. 8.
First-generation college students are those whose parent(s)/legal guardian(s) have not completed a bachelor's degree, so they are first in their families to attend a four-year college/university. Being first-generation is a very proud accomplishment for students and their families. Campus members picked up free shirts noting their first-generation status or their support of first-generation students. Celebrating the Power of First, the campus was awash in first-gen and supporter t-shirts on Nov. 8 as the campus celebrated the event together.
Nearly 37 percent of Oregon Tech students are first-generation students. In a message sent to campus on Nov. 8, President Nagi Naganathan shared, “First-generation students comprise a population that is truly diverse and deserving of acknowledgment. Each with their own rich and unique backgrounds leading them to be the first in their family to attend college, they now have the chance for opportunities that they may have never had before.”
The events culminated in a First-Generation Dinner on Nov. 9. A first-generation student pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Oregon Tech, Skoty Trautman shared PRONOUN experiences during the event. “For me, just because you’re the first doesn’t mean that you don’t have to do it alone. Being the first in my family to attend college, I didn’t know about all of the resources available to first-generation students such as TOP. From my time at Oregon Tech., I’ve learned to accept what I don’t understand and seek the support I need in order to be successful. Our stories carry immense power, and they help us adapt and persevere through all of the challenges we face.”
The celebration was sponsored by the Tech Opportunities Program (TOP) and Student Involvement and Belonging (SIB).
Click here to learn more about the First-Generation College Celebration.

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The Student Involvement and Belonging Office has launched our new student club management system, Presence. This new platform allows the campus community to know what is happening on campus within just a few clicks. Students can look up what clubs are on campus and even ask to join them! Presence is the place for any student looking to get involved on their campus. You can visit the site at oit.presence.io and see all the amazing events and opportunities our student clubs and programs have been working on.
Clubs and Programs
We currently have 52 student clubs and 2 new clubs joining our campus community, DND Resource Organization and Tabletop Gaming Club. This term alone, our student clubs and programs have organized 68 events including but not limited to Welcome events, Halloween Bashes, Game Nights, club meetings, hiking, trips, Ice Skating, and Boba Stands. A standout event was Oregon Tech Gaming’s Weeks of Welcome event where the group hosted a Game Night in the College Union with video games, pizza, and lots of fun. The event has over 200 people in attendance and was a great way to welcome back our students!
On October 5th, the SIB team hosted the Involvement Expo! This is an event where all the student clubs and programs come together to meet new and returning students. The clubs and programs tabled at the events and were able to speak to students about how to get involved with their organization or on campus! There were sixteen of the clubs and programs were in attendance at the event.

Oregon Tech’s Hustlin’ Owls have been busy this term and extremely successful. Follow the links for full stories.