Student Involvement & Belonging, Housing & Residence Life, and Portland-Metro Student Services collaborated to create a new initiative for 1st time, 1st year students this Winter: FAMILY GROUPS

The vision of the new initiative is to facilitate connection and belonging for all 1st year Oregon Tech students through FAMILY GROUPS. Family groups will navigate winter term (and beyond) together by connecting in small groups of 5-6 students every other week. As our Director of Housing & Residence Life, Dr. Mandi Clark says, “Family is who you choose and how you invest in others.” So creating opportunities for Oregon Tech students to develop a chosen family and deepen their relationships with fellow Owls drove the creation of this initiative. Family group leaders were recruited from current student leaders from all corners of Oregon Tech. Family leaders commit to connecting with their family through text, Zoom, Teams, Discord, or whatever online platform the group chooses every other week. In total, 58 leaders will facilitate 58 family groups with approximately 300 first-year students participating, including Online, Klamath Falls, and Portland-Metro students. In the promotion of Family groups, we highlighted the following:
Family groups are… | Family groups are not… |
An informal opportunity to connect | Counseling |
A place to ask questions | Academic advising sessions |
The start of possibilities/friendships | Required |
We hope Family Groups provide a pathway to battle isolation during this season of physical distance – and we hope (in small groups with appropriate parameters), some groups could even meet in person this spring. The Family Group collaboration is one way the Student Affairs team is pivoting to make sure every student, regardless of campus or physical location, has the opportunity to connect, especially during these COVID-19 times.
Housing and Residence Life
Winter term 2021 started very quietly in Housing this term. With the first two weeks of classes all remote, only a portion of our residential students returned to campus. Those that did were appropriate in their choices to remain in their rooms to self-isolate and help us keep the campus community safe.
Now that we are fully operational with in person classes, there is a bit more life and vitality in the Res Halls, and the student staff are busy preparing and promoting a variety of activities for our residential students to participate in during winter term. For example, Grocery Bingo is in the works, where those who win Bingo pick a prize from the groceries. The prizes will be hand-delivered (think Door Dash) from a staff member who will be wearing a face covering and not enter the student space.
Housing and Residence Life is also bringing David Coleman to campus in early February. David joins us each winter term to talk about relationships of all kinds (friends, roommates, dating relationships, and family!). David will be in-person with us, with a few in-person attendees while also streaming the presentation live to the rest of campus. We hope many choose to join us and enjoy David’s message about how to begin and sustain healthy relationships!
Winter term also brings on hiring season for Housing and Residence Life. Your student will soon see advertising across housing facilities inviting them to consider applying for a position on the 2021-2022 student Residence Life team! The selection process for Resident Assistants and Student Success Mentors for the coming academic year begins in winter term, wrapping up later in spring term. If your student is interested in working in one of the toughest and yet most rewarding jobs they may come to love, encourage them to check out how to apply to be an RA or an SSM!
Coming early spring term, students will begin to see advertising to join Housing and Residence Life on our summer staff team, which includes Summer Resident Assistants as well as Summer Custodial students. Summer work includes a room on campus as well as hourly pay for most positions. These students also have the chance to take some summer credits while working with us and learn new skills as we clean and renovate rooms, or host summer conferences on campus.
Finally, it is also that time to begin thinking about and discussing with your student their housing plans and options for the 2021-2022 academic year. Housing and meal plan applications for the upcoming academic year are now live-so please visit www.oit.edu/housing to check out the rates, and terms and conditions of the upcoming year's academic contracts. We are planning for another amazing year with a full house on campus so applying early puts your student higher on the waiting list for a Village spot or a single room! Please note, we guarantee housing for all completed applications received on or before May 1, 2021. And for our students who are current residents, they get the first chance to Choose My Room, opening for current residents with a 2021-2022 academic year housing and meal plan contract in late April. This is the program where students can choose the room, and type they would like to live in. Returning students get first pick on a Village apartment or a particular room in the Residence Hall so please talk with your student about plans for housing for next year.
If you have any questions about on campus housing, please contact us at 541-885-1094 or email us at housing@oit.edu.
Bird Feeder

The Student Involvement & Belonging "Bird Feeder" provides students access to FREE food (for immediate consumption & emergency groceries). This resource is maintained by financial contributions & donations of non-perishable food items.
Klamath Falls
• Grab a snack between classes at College Union 108.
• Emergency Grocery Gift Cards available upon request.
• Email GetInvolved@oit.edu for more information.
• Grab a snack between classes – ask where to find them at the CIC desk.
• Emergency grocery & personal hygiene orders available upon request.
• Email Portland@oit.edu for more information.
Online/ Other Locations
• Emergency grocery and personal hygiene orders available upon request.
• Email GetInvolved@oit.edu for more information.
ISHC: Look for the Helpers
The Integrated Student Health Center (ISHC) has been working hard to support your students during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the last Empty Nest edition, we described the procedures that we had put in place in order to maintain safety while providing the same quality services and support that we have always provided to your students. We continue to utilize those procedures, fine-tuning as we go; it seems that everything is a learning experience these days!
As taxing as the pandemic has been for us all, it has been particularly difficult for many of our students. Like you, they are feeling the effects of isolation, disconnection from their friends and family members, and their typical routines have been significantly disrupted. For the first time in several years, we have witnessed severe mental health issues impacting multiple students to the point that they have had to be hospitalized and return home to their families to recover. As a licensed counselor, it is difficult to watch. As the Director of ISHC, it makes me worry for the others.
However, shining through the chaos are glimmers of hope – students helping one another, connecting those that are struggling to resources that can support; employees of all levels sending 30 pages of well-wishes to an unnamed faculty member who was hospitalized due to COVID; random acts of kindness popping up around campus; the list could go on and on. Make no mistake, there have been dark times across the country across the past year, but I think it is important to focus on the things that remind us that there is yet hope in humanity – a group of veterans cleaning up the debris in the wake of the riots at the capital, for instance.
So, I’d like to take a moment and encourage you to look for the good – and to encourage your students to do the same. Mr. Rogers famously said “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” Well, ISHC happens to be full of helpers – our medical staff continues to administer immunizations and blood draws, conduct women’s annuals and prescribe contraception, and work with our ill students to help them recover faster; our counseling staff are working with students on Zoom or telephone to support their mental health, keep them connected, and to provide coping strategies; our health educator is cranking out videos to show students how to cook healthy meals and remain active even in the absence of available gyms.
Our hearts reach out to those that are struggling – be it parent, co-worker, student, faculty or staff. Please encourage your student to connect with us (541-885-1800), so we can be a light for them in the darkness – and while you’re at it, look for the helpers in your life, as well. Or better yet, be a helper to someone else – you won’t regret it!
Impact of COVID-19 on the Oregon Tech Community
For this issue, The Empty Nest invited students from Dr. Matt Schnackenberg’s introductory journalism class to submit articles. Mackenzie Driscoll, Andrea Malakar-Hernandez, and Poch Saldana investigated the impact of COVID-19 on various members of the Oregon Tech community. The Edge, Oregon Tech’s student newspaper, has itself been impacted by the pandemic, going on hiatus for both Spring and Fall of 2020, but with some continuing and some newly-hired staff writers The Edge will soon be publishing another issue. Hopefully, these three students will contribute to future issues, themselves!
COVID-19 and Turning a New Leaf for Oregon Tech’s Treehouse
Katy Hunter said regarding The Treehouse, a merger of the Women’s Resource Center and Diversity Center that preceded it just a few years ago. The student-led program advocates for campus-wide inclusion through coordinating various social events, conducting seminars, inviting guest speakers--but the onset of COVID-19 has taken a toll on the entire program and everyone involved, especially Katy. She currently serves as the student coordinator for Student Involvement & Belonging which in turn makes her de facto managing director of The Treehouse.

“When I first came to school, it was kind of a new program so they were kind of figuring things out, no one really knew what ‘The Treehouse’ was exactly,” Katy said. “So when I first got the job it was a lot of gaining traction in terms of, ‘what are we doing as a program?’, ‘what does the campus want to see?’ and then we started figuring that out. People started consistently coming to events...then going from that to bam--everything’s online.
“We didn’t do a whole lot that spring term. There were a couple of trivia nights but not much else. Due to just everyone being kind of depressed because of the pandemic, people weren’t really seeking out things to go to and do. Our general attendance at events just plummeted and the overall staff morale went down with it. So we’ve been trying to come back from that which feels like starting all over in a way. “
With the empty tables of the Marketplace Cafe, the indefinite closure of the university’s rec center, and even the sparse streets of downtown Klamath, the effects of COVID-19 can be felt nearly everywhere, in and out of campus. Nascent initiatives like The Treehouse which are so reliant on student involvement are feeling the heavy brunt of pandemic life. For Katy, who’ll be leaving Klamath Falls and The Treehouse in a few months to complete her senior externship, it’s a sprint to rebuild the program’s reputation within the Oregon Tech community.
“COVID kind of put a halt to everything,” Rianna Delgado corroborated, a senior at Oregon Tech who has been working at the Treehouse for 3 years now,” I can definitely see that Katy wants to keep things progressing and puts a lot of time into thinking about these things.”
“It’s less about me feeling robbed and more I wish I had more time to help The Treehouse grow before I leave,” Katy said when asked about COVID-19 essentially stripping her last opportunity to further develop The Treehouse.
“Before COVID we were making so much progress so trying to rebuild that engagement and following with the students--I want to leave the program in a good place, and it feels like I’m running out of time. I know I put too much pressure on myself when it comes to that. This job shouldn’t be more important than what I’m studying--my literal career--but sometimes it is what I care more about.”
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the chief medical adviser of newly inaugurated President Biden, said in a Harvard Business Review livestream, “If we do it right, by the time you get to summer, you could have people in the stands at baseball games. Maybe not sitting right next to each other, but some degree of fan participation in an outdoor sport like baseball by the time we get to summer.”
While unlikely to see a return to routine, pre-pandemic daily life before Katy leaves for her externship, Oregon Tech has started welcoming students back on-campus while also allowing socially distanced events that are COVID compliant. And if vaccine distribution goes smoothly wherein we’ll reach a state of relative normalcy by the summer of 2021, the budding Treehouse might find new life in a post-pandemic world.
--Poch Saldana
COVID on Oregon Tech's Campus

The Corona Virus (COVID-19), has affected many people's lives and livelihoods over the past year. For many of us, the year 2021 holds nothing but optimism and new opportunities. Especially with the vaccine being distributed people have hope that their lives will finally go back to normal, whatever that may be.
Shellie Wilson’s interview took place on Oregon Tech’s campus just a week after reopening for the Winter 2021 term. Shellie is the manager of the College Union building. The first two weeks of the term were held remotely, that way students could quarantine after returning to school from Winter break.
Oregon Tech has been like a second home to Shellie for many years “I was a student at Oregon Tech for six years and have been working here for sixteen”. While attending school Shellie was also a student employee, she worked as a switchboard operator. The year 2020 has definitely been the weirdest year when it comes to working on a college campus. “Back in March of last year they closed the campus, everybody left and the College Union, we stayed open. We've been here, big empty building, very quiet, kind of weird, like being in the twilight zone”. Never in the twenty-two years that Shellie has been a part of this institute had she seen it so empty and quiet.
The College Union remained open while many facilities, restaurants, stores, etc. had to close their doors. “There were about fifty students who stayed through the rest of the term, so we were open mainly for them”. There are a good amount of student employees who work for Shellie to help keep the College Union clean and running smoothly. During the time that everyone was sent home and attending classes remotely, the CU had to maintain regular hours so the CU permanent staff covered everyone's positions.
Many people have been thriving during these times and others have been struggling with mental health, job insecurity, loss, etc. The staff at the College Union works hard to maintain not only the cleanliness and safety of the building but try to keep a positive attitude and welcoming atmosphere for all students during this uncertain time.
-Mackenzie Driscoll
First of Many on a Team

Firsts. 2020 was a year of many firsts, especially for Oregon Tech's Mackenzie Peterson. As an aspiring physical therapist, Mackenzie experienced her first term as a college student, the beginning of her first collegiate athletic career, while living through her first pandemic, COVID-19. In an interview with Peterson, she shares her experiences, hardships, and coping strategies anyone living through this pandemic can relate to, if not use, especially in the Oregon Tech community.
Above her various medals and contracts to run on both the cross country and track teams at Oregon Tech, Peterson is a student-athlete. In her first college term, she made the President’s list while juggling Zoom classes, a few in-person courses, sports practices, training, and a pandemic. Despite the inconsistency of her first year, Peterson makes the best of her situation, attesting to the college rigor of classes and claiming, “but so far I’ve been loving my courses.”
A computer screen, the Dow, Boivin Hall--and the track. These are familiar places for Peterson since she has managed to organize and build her life around this schedule. While she admits running in masks is physically strenuous, and socially distancing from loved ones is mentally draining, Peterson continues to keep an infectious smile on her face as she runs through these unanticipated firsts.
Limited opportunities to make new friends, no college parties, unusual sporting events, and an extremely busy schedule. Unfortunately, Peterson is one of many Oregon Tech’s students, athletes, staff and community members experiencing their own firsts in this pandemic. So, how do students like her manage to make the most of their college experience?
“It’s definitely been a roller coaster of emotions, but now being able to see my teammates almost every day has really helped… Delani and Kira from the team, have run in college before, so they’ve given me advice on college and running. My mom has also been a go-to for me,” Peterson explains.
Whether it is a friend, teammate, teacher, or family, a support system is crucial to first-time college students, first-time athletes, and everyone living through their first pandemic. Everyone needs people on their team who advise, comfort and encourage them. Like Peterson, people need their own Delani and Kira.
Peterson’s story may sound like those of others. But what is unique about Peterson is that her words resonate. Her emotions are sincere, her struggles are real, and her stresses are relatable. She reminds readers they are not in this race alone. Luckily, like Mackenzie Peterson, these Owls are supported by teammates part of a bigger team, the Oregon Tech Community.
“There’s a quote about teammates and friends in general that I really like,” Peterson says. “Whenever I find myself in a tough place or making new friends, like in college or my team, I think of this; ‘Find a group of people who inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life forever,’ Amy Poehler.”
-Andrea Malakar

Owl About Health

Cashier's Calendar
DATE | Event |
2/15/21 | Spring Term Tuition & Fees available on Web for Student after student registers |
3/22/21 | Spring Term Statements generated (available on CASHNet Mar.23) |
3/25/21 | Financial Aid begins disbursing to students' accounts |
3/29/21 | Spring Term classes begin |
4/9/21 | Last day to drop courses for 100% refund (Deadline is 5:00 p.m. PDT/PST) |
4/9/21 | Full Spring Term balance due or 1st Payment Plan payment (at least 1/3 of balance) |
4/12/21 | Holds placed on accounts for students that failed to pay balance due or 1st payment plan payment |
4/15/21 | Statements generated (available on CASHNet Apr. 16) |
4/16/21 | Last day to drop courses for 50% refund (Deadline is 5:00 p.m. PDT/PST) |
4/23/21 | Last day to drop course for 25% refund (Deadline is 5:00 p.m. PDT/PST) |
4/26/21 | Processing of refunds due to students for dropped courses begins this week |
4/30/21 | 2nd Payment Plan payment due (second 1/3 of balance due) |
5/3/21 | Holds placed on payment plan accounts for students that failed to make 2nd payment plan payment |
5/17/21 | Late Fees assessed on accounts with balances greater than $99* |
5/17/21 | Interest assessed on balances over 30 days @ 1%/month |
5/17/21 | Statements generated (available on CASHNet May. 18) |
6/11/21 | Final Payment Plan payment due (ANY remaining balance) |
6/11/21 | Last day of Spring Term |
6/14/21 | Late fees assessed on accounts with past due balances greater than $99* |
6/14/21 | Interest assessed on balances over 30 days @ 1%/month |
6/14/21 | Final Spring Statements generated (available on CASHNet June 15) |
*Only one late fee per student per term will be charged. |
Academic Calendar
Feb 15-Feb 25 | Registration for Spring Term |
Feb 19 | Last day to withdraw from an individual course* |
Mar 12 | Last day to completely withdraw |
Mar 15-18 | Final Exams week |
Mar 19 | Winter Term ends |
Spring Term 2021
Date | Event |
Feb 15-25 | Registration for Spring Term |
Mar 2 | Registration for High School students taking classes at/through Oregon Tech |
Mar 29 | Registration for those not registered in advance (new freshman, new transfer students, and new non-admitted students and re-enrolling students) |
Mar 29 | Classes begin |
Apr 2 | Last day to use Web for Student for all registration changes |
Apr 9 | Tuition and Fees due |
Apr 9 | Last day to drop without a 'W'* |
Apr 9 | Last day to register without late charge |
May 3 | Registration for Summer Term |
May 10-20 | Registration for Fall Term |
May 14 | Last day to withdraw from an individual course* |
May 31 | Memorial Day holiday |
Jun 4 | Last day to completely withdraw |
Jun 7-10 | Final Exams week |
Jun 11 | Spring Term ends |
Jun 12 | Klamath Falls Commencement |
Jun 13 | Portland-Metro Commencement |
Jun 15 | Seattle Commencement |
Our Winter Career Week is coming February 15-19

Topics Include: Video Etiquette, Klamath Falls Small Business & Nonprofit Info Session Series, Diversity Question Workshop, Career Exploration Workshop, MECOP Info Sessions, Environmental Science Professional/Alumni Panel, Peace Corps, All About Internships, Student Leadership Resume, Non-Tech Roles in a Tech World, Careers in Law Enforcement, Resume Writing Tips, Military Meet and Greet, BIPOC at Work, Tech in Health Care, Become a Teacher

Peer Consulting Services
Peer Consulting Services (PCS) offers FREE remote academic support to ALL students of Oregon Tech.
PCS aims to improve student success by providing a welcoming environment where students can work toward their academic goals with peer support. Peer tutors help your student develop effective learning strategies and provide guidance in understanding concepts and solving problems. The consultants who work at Peer Consulting are your student’s peers, have taken the same classes your student has, and have earned a 3.0 or greater.
As we navigate fall term, PCS strives to support students both in-person and remotely. Students can meet remotely with a Peer Consultant via Zoom and can access our online scheduler through their TECHweb account or by visiting the PCS website.
In addition to remote tutoring access, PCS also offers:
- In-person tutoring at the Klamath Falls campus Peer Consulting Center (located on the 2nd floor of the library, LRC 233).
- The Online Writing Lab (OWL): OWL consultants assist students writing in any discipline and at any stage of the writing process—from brainstorming and researching to revising and citations. Writing consultants work with you to improve your writing skills; they do not provide last minute proofreading and editing services. Students can submit an assignment to the OWL through TECHweb or the PCS website.
Peer Consulting Services is proud to support students’ remote, in-person, and hybrid courses and be a part of their learning experience. If you have any questions, please email peerconsulting@oit.edu or call us at 541-851-5226.
Tech Opportunities Program (TOP)

The Tech Opportunities Program (TOP) is here to support first-generation students, low-income students, and students with disabilities in reaching their educational, career and personal goals. Our dedicated and compassionate staff uses proactive and holistic advising to foster students’ connections on campus, to assist students with academic, career and financial aid planning, to provide supplemental tutoring and peer mentoring, and to advocate for students. We are razor sharp focused on helping students stay in good academic standing, persist from term to term, and graduate into fulfilling and successful careers. Please visit our website to meet our team, to read about our graduates, and to learn more about the application process.
As a federally funded TRIO program, TOP serves 160 eligible students annually. All services are free of charge. The program does still have some space available. If your student fits the above criteria, and they would benefit from the program, please have them reach out to us.

Financial Aid
Federal Cares Act
Oregon Institute of Technology received $903,637 through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which was enacted by the U.S. Congress last spring. These funds were reserved to provide financial support in the form of emergency grants to students impacted by a disruption in campus operations due to the coronavirus. The financial aid office began awarding these funds in spring 2019-03 with an application process. In fall 2020-01 they finished awarding the remaining HEERF funds.
Students’ eligible to complete a Free Applications for Federal Student Aid https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa and Title IV eligible were awarded. International, DACA or undocumented students were not eligible. Students who were exclusively admitted as online students, or in online programs, were not eligible.
Expenses related to school operations as a result of the coronavirus such as medical, food, housing, utilities, technology, and course materials were considered as eligible expenses.
The estimated total number of students at the institution eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and thus eligible to receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act for fall term was 2,179 students. For fall term 393 students applied for funds and a total of $432,746 was awarded. Over 88% of those students were full time and 81% were Oregon residents.
Owls' Worth - Financial Literacy

The Owls’ Worth Financial Literacy Program hosts events throughout the school year. Please check out our website at www.oit.edu/owls-worth for resources and upcoming events. Most events will have a raffle for a scholarship or other prizes. Events will also be posted on the Oregon Tech App as well.
Winter is the time to apply for a host of scholarships including Oregon Student Access and Completion (OSAC) scholarships for Oregon residents, due March 1st https://oregonstudentaid.gov. This application opened on November 1st.
The Oregon Tech Foundation Scholarship process opened in early December and expects to award over $362,000 in scholarships. With this one application, students can apply for multiple scholarships. Students must submit their application by March 1st. The selection process will take place in April and students can expect to be notified of their award in late April. Additional scholarship opportunities are listed on our website at www.oit.edu/scholarships. If you have specific questions regarding scholarships, please contact Julie Daniels at julie.daniels@oit.edu.

January was Self-Care Month with the Department of Student Involvement & Belonging!

Events included four workshops designed to support holistic wellness, weekly Oregon Tech App posts and wellness suggestions from our community, a virtual comedy show, and guided meditation sessions twice a week.
All students were invited to receive a Self-Care themed grab-n-go boxes (see image) that included a journal with prompts, stickers, hygiene items, and other promotional goodies. Each themed month of programming has included a grab-n-go kit for students to receive to join in the programming from wherever they are.
Please remind your student to watch for the announcements of each themed month so that they can receive their kit and join the fun.

Black History Month
The next month of themed programming from Student Involvement & Belonging is Black History Month! Tell your student to watch for the announcements about the grab-n-go kit of items collected to help Celebrate & Educate about Black History Month.
Events to attend:
• Tuesday, February 2nd at 2pm: Conversation with nationally renowned speaker, Walida Imarisha
• Thursday, February 17th at 6pm: The Treehouse’s Women of Color Collective (open to all students)
• Friday, February 19th at 12:00pm: Career Service's BIPOC at Work
• Monday, February 23rd: Diversity & Belonging’s Race Monologues

11 Oregon Tech Athletes Earn Academic All-CCC Honors

A total of 11 Oregon Tech Athletes joined a list of 164 Cascade Collegiate Conference student-athletes in the winter sports of men’s and women’s basketball and men's and women's wrestling have earned U.S. Bank Academic All-CCC honors for their performances in the classroom, the conference office announced.
To earn recognition as a CCC scholar-athlete, a student must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2 and sophomore standing.
For winter term the Oregon Tech men’s basketball team had an overall 3.38 GPA while the women’s team had a 3.35 team GPA.
Name |
City |
YR |
Sport |
Major |
Garret Albrecht |
Bend, Oregon |
SR |
Men’s Basketball, |
Environmental Sciences |
Courtney Bennett |
Centralia, Washington |
SO |
Women’s Basketball |
Biology-Health Sciences |
Scott Burge |
Zillah, Washington |
SR |
Men’s Basketball |
Biology-Health Sciences |
Courtney Clemmer |
Camas, Washington |
JR |
Women’s Basketball |
Communication Studies |
Kristin Farrell |
Reno, Nevada |
JR |
Women’s Basketball |
Health Care Management |
Kellen Gerig |
Bieber, California |
SO |
Men’s Basketball |
Communication Studies |
Jesse Higgins |
Medford, Oregon |
JR |
Men’s Basketball |
Biology-Health Sciences |
Abby Kreiser |
Boise, Idaho |
SR |
Women’s Basketball |
Communication Studies |
Emma McKenney |
Springfield, Oregon |
SO |
Women’s Basketball |
Pre-Medical Imaging |
Maddyson Tull |
Gridley, California |
SO |
Women’s Basketball |
Respiratory Care |
Cascade Conference releases schedule changes, no spectator policy

The Cascade Collegiate Conference made changes to the upcoming volleyball and soccer schedules, announced in January. Spectator policies have also been revised.
"With the recent announcements that Northwest University has opted out of volleyball and The Evergreen State College has opted out of volleyball, as well as men's and women's soccer, we have revised schedules in those sports," stated CCC Commissioner Robert Cashell. "We know the decisions at the campus level come with great angst and we look forward to NU and TESC's return in 2021-22."
With the changes, volleyball currently stands at eight teams planning to participate while both men's and women's soccer have 12 teams remaining.
The volleyball schedule is set to begin on February 19 and at this time the postseason tournament is still on tap but reduced from four to six teams.
In soccer, the conference will play in an east-west division model and the postseason tournament has been canceled. The league will award an automatic qualification to NAIA postseason to the top men's and women's soccer teams in each division.
"Moving to a divisional model in soccer allows for us to significantly reduce travel and expenses for our members," added Cashell. "We also have adapted the schedule so teams will play each other back-to-back days in order to minimize exposure to COVID-19."
Conference Return to Play protocols call for weekly PCR testing in soccer and volleyball.
Volleyball Revised Schedule – Here
Soccer Revised Schedule – Women Here | Men Here
The league also announced that spectators will not be permitted at any CCC events with the exception of cross-country and golf until further notice. CCC member schools intend on live streaming the majority of events.
CCC opt-outs to date:
• Southern Oregon University – men's/women's cross country, men's/women's basketball, volleyball
• Walla Walla University – men's/women's basketball, volleyball, men's soccer
• The Evergreen State College – men's/women's basketball, volleyball, men's/women's soccer
• British Columbia – men's/women's golf, softball, baseball
• Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – men's wrestling
• Northwest University – volleyball
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