Nate Bickford - with bird
Department Chair - Associate Professor
Natural Science
DOW 208
DOW 202

Nate Bickford, PhD. From his earliest recollection science has always been his interest. He has especially been interested in movement and habitat use by fish, mammals, and birds. As an avid fisherman and falconer these research areas are quite suitable to keep his interest. Dr. Bickford received his BS Biology at Lenoir-Rhyne University. He then graduated from Appalachian State University with MS in Biology. He received his PhD at Arkansas State University in Environmental Science. After School Dr. Bickford and received an NSF Post Doc Fellowship to study in the Arctic. 

Dr Bickford’s research is constantly evolving and expanding into new, relevant, innovative, and fundable areas.  The subjects of his ecological research stretch from aquatics to birds. The conservation work ranges from habitat improvement to local food production. Being on the cutting edge with the risks and benefits associated with cutting edge research is precisely where he intends to remain, always looking at things in a new way combining methods from traditionally isolated science disciplines to answer important environmental questions. 

Field of Interest
Wildlife Movement

Travel and STEM
I have taken classes to countries in the Arctic (United States, Canada, Green Land, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, and Finland), Europe (Estonia, Denmark, Latvia), Caribbean Islands (Haiti), Central America (Belize, Guatemala, Cost Rica), and South America (Peru and Ecuador). These class trips focused on Ecology and education service to local peoples.

I have had over 90 undergraduate students present at scientist meetings in the last 15 years. My lab runs on undergraduate energy, and I have 10 undergraduate students every year. 
I have had over 20 graduate students in my lab. These graduate students publish and present their work. Most of my student end up in agencies and PhD programs.  

Bickford Lab – Conservation and Sustainability
Bickford Lab – Conservation and Sustainability