This term, Oregon Tech's Dental Hygiene Program in Salem is teaming up with Chemeketa Community College's Dental Assisting Program to learn more about each other's impact on dentistry. This is the third year the two programs have collaborated and they have found that the partnership is a win-win. 🦷 "It is such a benefit for our dental hygiene students to work with a dental assisting student who knows four-handed dentistry [dental assistant's two hands are assisting the dentist's two hands]...In addition, it is so important for dental assistants and dental hygienists to work together because that is what happens in the real world. To see them teach each other is really exciting,” said Dr. Rollins, Oregon Tech’s restorative instructor. Jill Lomax, the program chair for Dental Assisting said she couldn’t agree more with Dr. Rollins, “The partnership is so beneficial for both groups of students; it is a great stepping stone for our dental assisting students before they start their practicum in a dental office this spring.”
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