To highlight Park and Recreation Month we're sharing how our community is stronger, more vibrant and more resilient because of parks and recreation. Rarely do you see an email that starts out: “Dear representatives of the US Embassy in Slovenia, dear friends and speakers from US - from Crater Lake National park and Oregon Tech Honors Program and representatives from Environmental Protection College in Velenje” But that is exactly the thank you that Dr. Christopher Syrnyk, associate professor of Communication and director of the Oregon Tech Honors Program received. The email was a follow-up from an international zoom symposium that Dr. Syrnyk and Oregon Tech Honors Program student, Daniel Malriat, participated in on how universities partner with national parks to promote learning experiences for students in the national parks. Daniel, a recent graduate of the Renewable Energy Engineering and Environmental Science programs, presented a video about his participation in projects with Oregon Tech at Crater Lake. Sent from leaders at Triglav National Park, the communication thanked Dr. Syrnyk and Daniel for recognizing that working with youth is an important task of national parks. Triglav National Park is the only national park in Slovenia, and it is one of Crater Lake's international sister national parks (the other one is in China). #ourparkandrecstory #oit #oregontech
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