Senior Chance Alford shares about the Multiple Engineering Cooperative Program (MECOP), which connected him with a paid, six-month internship at Boeing. “Six months gives me enough time to get trained up, then to start doing some actual work with the team, instead of just clerical work. I work a standard 40-hour week in-person, with the option of working remotely on Mondays and Fridays,” Chance said. The Boeing team Alford currently works with is a Production and Industrial Engineering (PIE) Core team, specifically the NC Robotics Programming and Automation team. He already has some experience with robotics and automation as a senior member of Oregon Tech’s Autonomous Unmanned Vehicle Systems and Intelligent Robotics (AUVSIR)/Robotics Club, but the vastness of the Boeing operation is something new. “I’m surprised by the size and scale of the operation here in Everett, Washington. The factory here is said to be the world’s largest building by volume and having been inside multiple times, I can confirm it is massive,” he said. Read more here:
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