A team of faculty and alumni from the Oregon Tech and Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) Emergency Medical Services (EMS) program was awarded the Best Educational Research of 2022 at an international EMS conference this month. The research focused on racial and ethnic disparities in the imagery used in emergency medical technician (EMT) textbooks. The study titled “Black, Asian, and Female Individuals are More Likely to be Depicted as Patients in EMS textbooks while White Men are Presented as EMS Providers,” was conducted by Jamie Kennel, Ph.D., Chris Hamper, David Olvera-Godinez, Josh Michlitsch, Wilson Morris, and Kendall Womack. "Primary EMS textbooks help to set and reinforce expectations about the learner’s feeling of acceptance and belonging in the career," said Kennel. "Actively presenting opportunities for diverse candidates to see themselves in the current workforce represents a critical step, among many, for the industry to improve its diversity." Thank you to our EMS department for their continued work to bring diversity to their field. #ems #diversity #diversityandinclusion #healthcare #Research www.oit.edu/news/oregon-techohsu-emergency-medical-services-team-receives-international-award-research-racial
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