Last Friday, Oregon Tech and the Klamath Tribes renewed our memorandum of understanding (MOU) to further strengthen collaboration in academic support and access, financial assistance, cultural and social support, and research. Before the Friday signing, Oregon Tech President Dr. Nagi Naganathan, Klamath Tribal Council Vice Chairwoman Gail Hatcher, Oregon Tech Trustee Kathleen Hill, and 75th Anniversary Committee Co-chair Dr. Christopher Syrnyk helped plant a ceremonial chokecherry tree on campus. The event also included a round dance and honor song by the Klamath Tribes Youth Council. The MOU meets the common purpose of helping people to better themselves through education, research, economic development, and other forms of personal enlightenment. It also provides a collaborative environment to make the respective communities prosperous with multiple opportunities for surrounding citizens. To read more about this event and the educational commitments made through this partnership, please visit #oregontech75 #klamathtribes #treeplanting
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