Today we celebrated students who make a difference on campus, whose accomplishments bring outstanding recognition and pride to Oregon Tech, who contribute to their communities, or who are exemplary role models. 🦉💙 2023 Student Awardees include: ️🏆 Hiram M. Hunt Award: Laura Ashley Townsel, Bachelor of Science in Health Care Management, Clinical Management. ️🏆 Most Dedicated Student Award: Kolby Mahoney, Bachelor of Science in Biology – Health Sciences. ️🏆 Oregon Tech Pride Award: Nicholas McMillen, Bachelor of Science in Biology–Health Sciences. ️🏆 Outstanding Community Service Award: Members of the L.A.N. Party: Levi Hallock, graduating in 2024 in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mathematics; Anesti Audeh, graduating in 2026 in Applied Mathematics; and Noah Azzopardi, graduating in 2024 in Mechanical Engineering. ️🏆 Outstanding Nontraditional Student Award: Arthur Spears, Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering Technology. ️🏆 Outstanding Student Veteran Award: Clinton Lytle, graduating in December 2023 with a Bachelor of Science in Renewable Energy Engineering. ️🏆 Owens Citizenship Award: Monte Schell, Bachelor of Science in Biology–Health Sciences. ️🏆 Student Achievement Award: Courtney Isom, Bachelor of Science in Operations Management. ️🏆 Graduate Student Achievement Award: Carter B. Willson, Bachelor and Master of Science in Civil Engineering. ️🏆 ️🏆 President’s Senior Cup Recipients: Rajvi Patel (Accounting) from the College of Engineering, Technology, and Management; and Ashley Ripplinger (Environmental Sciences) from the College of Health, Arts, and Sciences. Additional awards were given to recognize Outstanding Scholars. Awards specific to Portland-Metro are on Oregon Tech Portland-Metro's Instagram page. Congratulations to all these students, and thank you for enriching Oregon Tech. 🦉💙
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