
Standing councils, commissions, and committees (CCC) are an important part of shared governance at Oregon Tech and offer the opportunity for faculty, staff, and students to assist administrators with tasks by providing input, recommending outcomes, and participating in operational decisions. Oregon Tech is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in committee representation. 


CCC Appointments


Two types of committee appointments are recognized:

  • Appointment to a committee because of job title or position (e.g., vice provost on President's Council).
  • Appointment for a rotating term.


Term of Service

The term of service varies according to appointment type:

  • Committee members appointed because of job title or position typically serve while holding the position, dependent on the purpose for the position to serve on the committee.
  • Student appointments serve for one-year renewable terms. 
  • Committee members appointed for rotating terms typically serve three years, unless otherwise specified within the committee description. 
  • Committee members appointed for rotating terms in elected positions (e.g., Faculty Senate) serve according to their elected term within the assembly.
  • Committee members may be reappointed for an additional three-year term (six years total), but it is the intention of this process to encourage broad participation and allow faculty and staff to bring fresh perspectives and skills to their committee assignments. Members can be reappointed after a term off the committee.
  • Appointed members have staggered terms when possible to ensure some membership continuity.
  • Designees may be appointed when appropriate, provided committee continuity is retained, and an effective contribution can be made. 


Reporting Line

Each CCC reports to one of the division leaders (president or vice presidents).



Each CCC description outlines the membership composition, which may be adjusted by the division leader or the president.

Individuals may indicate interest in committee service by completing the standing committees survey distributed annually during spring term. In addition, a request for consideration of membership on a CCC may be submitted at any time during the academic year to Note that requests for committees reporting to Faculty Senate should be made to the Faculty Senate president.

The Office of the Provost will affirm membership with appropriate division leaders or parties and notify appointees for the succeeding academic year before the start of the fall term. Membership changes will be made as necessary during the academic year.

Membership on all CCC's is subject to approval by the president. 


Member Responsibilities

Membership and participation in a CCC should be regarded as a privilege and responsibility. CCC members are expected to:

  1. Represent their constituency and keep them informed. 
  2. Solicit feedback from the constituency.
  3. Provide that information to the CCC as appropriate.


Request for Removal of a CCC Member

Members who are regularly absent, or a CCC chair who is deemed inefficient and unable to organize committee business, can be removed from a CCC.

To request removal of a CCC member (non-chair):

  • The chair should submit the CCC title and member's name to The Provost's Office will follow up with the chair and the appropriate division leader and attempt to find a replacement.

To request removal of a CCC chair:

  • The committee members should submit the CCC title and chair's name to The Provost's Office will follow up with the appropriate division leader and attempt to find a replacement.


Year-End Reporting

Committee chairs/co-chairs are required to submit a brief summary report at the end of spring term to The report template is located under Resources, on this page. 

The Office of the Provost will collect and distribute the reports to the president and appropriate division leaders. 



Email questions concerning CCC assignments or processes to

List Updates

The master standing committees list will be updated periodically throughout the academic year.

Initial Publication: 9/27/24

Latest Revision: 3/18/25, REV14

Changes made to:

Retention Committee

Past Standing Committees Lists

CCC Assignment Changes

To request changes to committee assignments, email College dean or appropriate division leader approval required.

CCC List Administrative Support

Dierdre Harlan
Executive Assistant AA, AE, OL, SEMR

SN, Provost's Office