What a huge year for the Student Veterans Program! In a year with lots of turn around with old faces leaving and newcomers stepping up, we were still able to achieve great success 🎉 The SVP was awarded with the Outstanding Student Program Event four our Fall/Spring Term Kickoff events that brought 500+ students! Our deputy director, Kendra Gilley, was awarded with the Outstanding Emerging Leader Award for her efforts in aiding the program during a year with many changes and challenges! Don Stockton, the director of veteran student services and the advisor to the SVP, was also recognized with one of two Outstanding Student Organization Advisor awards! Thank you Oregon Tech for a phenomenal year and we can’t wait for another great one next year! #SVALeads #WeAreSVA #StudentVeterans #StudentVeteransofAmerica #OregonTech #OregonInstituteofTechnology
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