Oregon Institute of Technology (Oregon Tech) is pleased to welcome its largest freshman class in 40 years – a 22.4% increase over last academic year.
This fall, 5,302 students enrolled at Oregon Tech, with total headcount increasing by 3.7%. The university also remains dedicated to serving high school students enrolled in college courses through Oregon Tech’s dual credit program, which increased by 7.7%. The total credit hours registered by all students also increased by 4.8%.
“Oregon Tech proudly welcomes a record-breaking freshman class this year, emphasizing our commitment to strategic growth and student success,” said Dr. Nagi Naganathan, President of Oregon Tech. “With a focus on strengthening retention efforts and supporting a diverse student body, our mission as a world-class polytechnic university continues to be a laser-focus on our students’ success.”
Oregon Tech’s Associate Vice Provost of Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM), Dr. Greg Stringer, attributes the university’s significant increase in first-year students to key initiatives in SEM that included increased focus on recruitment strategies, close collaboration with faculty, staff, and current students, and clear communication with applicants.
“Our goal at SEM is to share the opportunities and community at Oregon Tech,” Stringer said. “The Office of Admissions put in great efforts, and our Financial Aid team showed quick adaptability to address nationwide FAFSA challenges, helping applicants navigate the application and enrollment process.”
The University’s largest student populations are in Klamath Falls, Portland-Metro, and Online. Sites in Salem at Chemeketa Community College and Seattle at Boeing serve an additional 143 Oregon Tech students.
“In the upcoming year, Oregon Tech will continue to enhance academic and quality of life support for our students so they can continue to be successful. We are proud to be a university that assures a very high return on investment for students and families -- the highest in the State of Oregon and in the top 5% among our nation’s 4,400 colleges and universities,” President Naganathan added.