Celebrate your accomplishments at Commencement!

Graduation 2019 Walk Photo


Klamath Falls Commencement will be on Saturday, June 14 at 10am.

Portland-Metro Commencement will be on Sunday, June 15 at 11am.

Commencement is an important way to mark the completion of this part of your education. Faculty members look forward to sharing it with you, your family, and your friends. 

In order for your name to appear in the program you must have filed your Application for Degree in the Registrar's Office no later than May 1, 2025.

Follow these steps to Graduation

Together, you and your advisor will run your electronic degree audit through DegreeWorks and check your progress toward your degree. 

Submit the Application for Degree (located in TECHweb) at least two terms prior to your anticipated degree completion term. There is a $56.00 fee that will be put on your student account when you apply to graduate. Your records will be reviewed by a Graduation Analyst in the Registrar's Office and you will be notified if additional courses/course substitutions/transcripts are needed in order for you to graduate.

*If you have not turned in your Application for Degree by May 1, your name WILL NOT appear in the program.

Review your DegreeWorks audit to verify all degree requirements are met. Requirements for Associate, Bachelor, and Master degrees at Oregon Institute of Technology are determined by, and vary with, academic departments. Curricular requirements for each degree can be found in the catalog under each department.

Students completing Master degrees must complete their Project or Thesis and have their Final Approval Form (located in TECHweb) signed and submitted to the Registrar's Office before they can graduate.

All graduating seniors who have loans must participate in an Exit Interview in order to graduate.

Students should check their account for holds before graduation. Those who have holds placed on their accounts will not be given their diplomas (review the diploma release policy). Holds can result from very small charges, such as library fines or medicinal charges at the Student Health Center. Students can ensure that their accounts are free of holds at the Cashier's Office in Snell Hall or on Web for Student.

The Senior Institutional Evaluation Survey is used to gain the student’s perspective on institutional learning outcomes, programmatic outcomes, and student services.

Congratulations, you have completed your last course! Now what?

After you have passed your last courses and completed all of your graduation requirements, you will need to allow up to 4 weeks for your degree to be awarded to your official records and your diploma to be mailed to you.

Grades must be finalized and it must be verified that you have successfully completed all degree requirements before your degree is awarded and recorded on your transcript. Once your degree is awarded, a notification will be sent to your Oregon Tech email address. You can also check your unofficial transcript on Web for Student to see if your degree has been awarded.

Oregon Tech uses Parchment to issue diplomas to students. Shortly after our office has awarded your degree, you will receive an electronic copy of your diploma via email from Parchment for you to download, share with friends/family, or via social media. Your official paper diploma, will be sent to you via regular mail and you will receive an email from Parchment with tracking information upon shipment. 

Please Note: Diplomas are held if there is an outstanding balance on your student account and/or if required loan Exit Interviews have not been completed.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Klamath Falls rehearsal will be held Friday, June 13 at 2 pm, please report to Owens Hall. 

Portland-Metro will not have a rehearsal prior to the ceremony. Instructions will be given prior to Commencement at lineup. 

The Klamath Falls ceremonies will be held at the John F. Moehl Stadium. Saturday, June 14 and begins promptly at 10:00 a.m. The ceremony will last for approximately 2 hours. The stadium is located on the north side of the Oregon Tech campus by the track/field. 

The Portland-Metro ceremony will be held at the Portland-Metro campus on Sunday, June 15 and will begin promptly at 11 am; the ceremony will last for approximately 2 hours. 

Klamath Falls - Graduates need to report to Owens Hall 45 minutes prior to their ceremonies start time. Signs will be posted for each major and there will be faculty marshals to direct the graduates to their respective places in the procession.

Portland-Metro - All graduates must report to the Portland-Metro campus rooms 120, 122, and 124 on Sunday, June 15, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. attired in caps and gowns for final arrangements for the processional.

No, tickets are not needed for the ceremony, except for handicapped seating. You may bring as many family members and friends as you like. Stadium seating is first-come, first-serve.

 Klamath Falls - Yes, handicapped parking and seating are available. We will also have seating with a live-stream of the ceremony available in the College Union Crater Lake Complex for those that would like to be out of the elements. This space is near restrooms, air-conditioned, and has a view of the stadium as well as the live-stream. Handicapped parking and seating is first-come, first-serve so please arrive early if this is something that you will need. We will also have a number of golf carts driving around campus to aid in helping guests get to the stadium. 

Portland-Metro - Please fill out this short survey if you or your guests need special seating or parking accommodations.

You may park in any Oregon Tech designated parking lot and you do not need a parking permit.

All graduates are required to wear an academic cap and gown. Cap, gown, and tassels may be purchased in person in the College Union. Or you can order your cap and gown online from Jostens. We suggest that graduates wear business-casual clothing underneath their gowns.

No, please leave purses and other items with family members.
We will provide rain gear to graduates and ask that graduates do not bring umbrellas.
Commencement is approximately two hours long and is generally over by 12:15 p.m.
No, graduates are dismissed at the end of the commencement ceremony and will exit formally to meet family members and friends by the fountain.
Oregon Tech is a pet free campus, so please leave all pets at home unless they are documented service animals. 

Pictures will be taken by Grad Images at both ceremonies. You can find links to your photos here: https://thegradteam.com/oit/


After lining up in Owens hall, you will be led by your faculty marshals toward the stadium

1. At exactly 15 minutes prior to the start time, proceed, following your faculty marshal from the northeast corner of Owens, up the sidewalk to the College Union. Keep following the person in front of you, leaving about 2 feet between each graduate.

2. You will proceed onto the track, moving between the faculty lines; make sure that you are maintaining the pace of your faculty marshal.

3. Proceed around the track, following the lane to the right side of the chairs, closest to the stands.

4. When you reach the student section, you will start filing into the chairs. Please make sure you are in numerical order and that you have a seat.

5. Please remain standing for the National Anthem, you will be told when you can be seated.

6. After the greetings and opening remarks: Dr. Foley will ask the students who received the awards of excellence to stand. You don’t have to come to the stage.

7. Dr. Mott, will present the graduates. She will ask the graduates to stand up with their college. When she asks for your college to stand – you will all stand.

  • The Dean will announce your department – you will follow your faculty marshal to the stage (watch them – they will guide you through)
  • Give your card to the announcer
  • Shake hands with the chair as your name is announced and your card is read
  • Master Students will have hoods placed on you before your diploma is received
  • Take your diploma cover from Dr. Nagi with your left hand and then shake hands with him with your right hand (smile for the photographer)
  • Proceed down the ramp, smile for the photographer, and watch your step!!!
  • Follow the line back to your seat.

8. Dr. Nagi will instruct you to move your tassel from the right to the left after all graduates have received their diplomas.

9. Then final remarks by Dr. Mott invites everyone to the reception by the fountain and LRC. Look for your departmental sign. When we leave the stadium, you will leave in pairs. Don’t break until you reach the stairs. Platform party leaves first, followed by graduates.

Yes, the event will be live-streamed and the link will be available on this webpage. We will also have seating in the Crater Lake Complex for those that may be more comfortable indoors.

Oregon Tech graduates wear many different cords at Graduation, here is a break-down of the meaning behind those cords.

  • Navy & Gold - Academic Honors (Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude)
  • Black, Red, Green & Yellow - BIPOC (Black, Indigenous People of Color) Students
  • Teal & Gold - First Generation Students
  • Navy - International Students
  • Rainbow - LGBTQ+ Students
  • Red, White, & Blue - Veteran Students
  • Green, Purple, & White - Women in STEM and Allied Health Students


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Application for Degree and the Course Substitution Form can be found in TECHweb.