RBC funds are now funding student projects, which can be academic in nature, such as junior or senior projects, annual projects (e.g., SAE Formula), conferences, or other student-initiated projects. Proposals must be written by students for student projects.
The deadlines for submitting proposals for student projects are NOON Monday, November 4, 2024 & NOON Monday, February 3, 2025. Only one proposal for each project can be submitted annually. The RBC Proposal form is available under Resource Budget Proposal to the right. The RBC Budget Template is also linked here and must be completed and submitted with the Proposal form. Awards will be announced approximately two weeks after each deadline, with a purchasing deadline of May 30, 2025 for all funded proposals. The maximum funding request from the Resource Budget Commission for each project is $20,000.
Many projects that the Resource Budget Commission awards require equipment purchases and building materials. Please note that all equipment and materials are property of Oregon Tech and are to remain on campus.

Proposal Process
Submit printed or electronic proposal AND the completed RBC Budget Template to the Student Affairs Office by one of the deadlines.
The contact person for the proposal will be notified within three weeks of the submission deadline. The notification letter/email will provide the funding decision and all purchasing requirements.
A list of approved proposals will be provided to the Procurement and Risk Officer in the Oregon Tech Purchasing and Contracting office to help aid in making purchases using resource funds that are required to follow the applicable procurement process based on the dollar amount.
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