
  • Yes, it is very secure because it conforms to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCIDSS)

  • Oregon Tech has always guarded your account information but this system is even more secure

  • In addition to Transact Payments and Oregon Tech’s security obligations, you are responsible for keeping your transaction secure (see next question for additional details)

  • You should make sure your transactions are done in a secure setting (if you are using a public computer make sure you sign out and close all open browsing windows)

  • You should never leave your computer logged into Transact Payments when you are not using it

  • You should never let anyone else log into your Transact Payments account with your account ID and password

  • Parents or Guardians should login only with their Payer ID you create for them

  • Do not share your login or password (pin) with anyone (no one in the Cashier's Office will ever ask you for your password)

  • No one else can see your "Saved Accounts" information

  • You cannot see your Payer's "Saved Accounts" information

  • Payers can see payment information but no account numbers are visible

Oregon Tech Bill

  • You will not be able to login to Transact Payments using your social security number
    • If your student ID number was your social security number, you will need to contact the Registrar's Office (541.885.1300 or to obtain your unique student ID number
  • Your Oregon Tech student ID starts with “918”, you will need contact the Registrar's Office (541.885.1300 or if you do not know your student ID number
  • Your Transact Payments password is the same as your Web for Student PIN
    • Your default PIN is your date of birth in six digit format (MMDDYY)
      • For example, January 1, 1992 would be 010192
    • If you do not know your PIN you will need contact the Registrar's Office (541.885.1300 or




Short for Electronic Bill


Short for Electronic Payment (sometimes referred to as an eCheck or ACH Transfer)

All of Transact Payments' transactions are processed electronically through the internet

Only users you set-up in the Payers section of your Transact Payments login will have access to view your eBills and make payments on your behalf. No one at Oregon Tech has access to view, change or add users to your Payer's login information.

  • You will be responsible for adding/removing Payers from your login
  • If one of your Payers has forgotten their name and/or password you will be responsible for providing them with it by clicking the button called "Resend payer invitation" after clicking edit on that specific Payer (we cannot reset student PINs or Payers passwords in the Cashier's Office)

It is more secure if you do not let others process transactions using your login. Sharing a login can result in access to bank account or credit card information you may not wish to share with the other person. Students should only access Transact Payments using their own login, and should set up each new Payer that they wish to have access.

Yes, you may set your parents up as Payers in Transact Payments (click on "My Account" on the top left and then access the Payer section in the middle of the page)

  • Payers can login at anytime to make payments on the account or view eBills and Recent Activity
  • Payer's financial information will be secured to their unique login (saved account information will only be view able by the Payer)
  • Payers may change their password or email address in their own login at any time
  • If a Payer on your account forgets their login information, you will need to provide it to them by clicking on the button that says "Resend payer invitation" after clicking edit on that Payer

Any Payers on your account will be listed in the Payers section of your Transact Payments. You can add or remove Payers as often and whenever you would like. The Payers section also contains a button named "Resend payer invitation" that you will need to use if one of your Payers has forgotten their password (we cannot provide Payers with login information or reset passwords in the Cashier's Office - we do not have access to this information).

Yes, Payers can access Transact Payments in one of two ways:

To Pay with cash, check or BankMobile Vibe Checking Account:

  • You can send a check to Oregon Tech, Attention: Cashier's Office
  • You can come to the Cashier’s Office window and pay with cash, check or BankMobile Vibe Checking Account (Monday through Friday 10:00 am through 2:00 pm)

Paying with a credit card or Electronic Check:

  • Credit card payments can be processed through Transact Payments
  • ePayments (electronic check payments) can only be processed through Transact Payments


If you previously filled out a Direct Deposit form at Oregon Tech or online through Transact Payments it is no longer valid.

  • You can still manage your account on the Transact Payments website
  • The account balance you see will be the balance as of the start of the day business day Web for Student crashed.
  • When Web for Student is back-up Transact Payments will update your student account with any payments you made while Web for Student was down

Transact Payments is always open:

  • Transact Payments is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week (even holidays)
  • Cashier's Office window is open Monday through Friday 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Transact Payments is convenient:

  • You can manage your student account using Transact Payments from the convenience of your home anytime
  • No more lines

Transact Payments has several payment options:

  • Transact Payments accepts ePayments and credit card transactions (if using MasterCard, Discover, American Express, or Diner's Club)
    • A 2.95% convenience fee applies to all credit or debit card transactions (see "What is the credit card or convenience fee?" for more details)
  • See the Cashier's Calendar on the Cashier's Office Webpage for the due date for each term.  Charges on accounts may happen after initial statements for the term are ran for varies reasons such as added classes, submitting a parking permit, etc.  These charges are due by the due date each term even if they post on the account after statements were run.
    • eBills (electronic statements) are sent to student email accounts as well as Payer email addresses around the 15th of each month
    • Transactions that occur between statements can be viewed on TECHstudent
  • A late payment fee of $99 is assessed on balances not paid by the term due date as well as balances not paid by the end of the term for charges that happen later.
  • Interest (of approx. 1%) is assessed around the 15th of each month on open balances older than 30 days
  • It is suggested you pay on your account whenever you see a current balance in the “Your Account” block in Transact Payments
  • eBills (electronic statements) are generated around the 15th of each month and sent to student email accounts as well as Payer emails
    • Interest (of approx. 1%) is assessed on open balances older than 30 days around the 15th of each month as well
  • eBills are only generated once per month around the 15th ;and your transaction may have been placed on your student account after the bill was generated
  • eBills are not generated for student accounts with a zero or negative balance due
  • Future due (charges for next term) amounts are not included on eBills

You will need to provide them with a copy of your eBill (if they wish to see it, and you wish for them to have it), we cannot send statements to anyone except the account holder (student).

Payments can be:
  • Mailed to the Oregon Tech Cashier's Office
    • Cashier's Office
    • Oregon Institute of Technology
    • 3201 Campus Dr
    • Klamath Falls, OR 97601
  • Made in Person at the Oregon Tech Cashier’s Office window with cash or check (Monday through Friday 10:00 am to 2:00 pm)
  • eBill notices for students are sent to student email accounts (
  • eBill notices for Payers are sent to the email address you have provided in Transact Payments
  • You still are responsible for paying your bill on time even if you did not receive an email notice
  • You can login to Transact Payments at anytime to check your current balance and see any recent activity
  • You shouldn't wait to get the notice if you see you have an account balance, because you can pay on your account at anytime
  • If you would like to receive an email notice on an email account other than your student email account, you can set yourself up with an alternate ID in the Payers section
    • Don’t rely on this option for all your Transact Payments communication (other communications will still be sent to your student email account)

Electronic Payments

  1. Navigate to the ePayment form by pressing "Make Payment" button in the blue navigation bar at the top of the screen (scroll all the way to the top of the page)

  2. Press the line item you want to make a payment on

  3. If you are paying on a current balance it will default to the total amount, which you may change it if you are making a partial payment

  4. Complete information for the line item you have selected

  5. After you have filled in the requested information, press "Add to Basket"

  6. You may continue shopping or if you are done press the "Checkout" button

  7. Follow the instructions to fill out the ePayment information (you will need to provide your bank account number and routing number)

    • If you have questions about how to identify your account and/or routing number (normally located at the bottom of your checks) please contact your bank or credit union for assistance

    • Debit cards cannot be used for this type of payment (if you want to use a debit card you will need to select the credit card payment method)

Credit Cards and Debit Cards

  • The convenience (merchant) fee is actually assessed by the credit card companies (Oregon Tech does not make any money on these fees)

  • Each time a credit card is used the credit card company assesses a convenience fee

    • Oregon Tech has paid these convenience fees to the credit card companies in the past, however with the cost and frequency of these fees climbing we have not been able to continue absorbing these costs

    • Rather than asking all students to absorb these fees in the form of increased student fees, we feel that the cost of the convenience fee should fall on the person using the service

  • Transact Payments automatically assesses the convenience fee to only credit card transactions, so that fee does not have to be passed on to the student body

  • The credit card companies consider the action of charging a convenience for the card holder
  • The customer who uses this service will pay 2.95% convenience fee
  • Yes, however debit card payments will be processed as a "credit card" transaction
    • The convenience fee of 2.95% will apply to all debit card transactions
    • Do not attempt to enter your debit card information as an ePayment (it will not process correctly and you will be assessed a returned item fee of $25)
  • Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are all accepted by Oregon Tech through Transact Payments
    • All credit or debit card transactions are assessed a 2.95% convenience fee for each transaction
  • Oregon Tech offers the option to pay by either credit card or ePayment all within the same login

  • From your "basket" click the "Checkout" button

    • You will be asked to select a payment method (you will either see "Enter new credit card information." if you have not previously saved your credit card to Transact Payments, or "Use saved credit card information.")

    • Select the option that applies to you, and Transact Payments will walk you through the rest of the process

Transact Payments

Transact Payments Links