Healthy Active Challenge

We are excited that you and possibly a couple of friends (3 people total) are willing to try to improve your health and fitness this year. This year we are using a calendar to keep us in track for the 2025 Healthy Active Challenge. Each day we will suggest that you try something new to keep yourself fit, healthy and happy. Every time you do a challenge you will earn points which can recorded on your scorecard.

At the end of each week, add up your points and report them the following Monday. A week runs Monday - Sunday. Highest scores at the end of each week, earn prizes (sent through Amazon). Also, every time your report points you earn points towards the GRAND PRIZES. These prizes are awarded at the end of the challenge. 

And,, loose, or draw everyone gets a FREE Healthy Active T-shirt. A Tie/Dye Party and Shirt Give-A-Way is held at the end of the challenge. Generally it take place in Semon Hall, Room 203. (Because there is a sink in that room and dyed shirts can easily be rinsed.) There will also be rally towel if you would prefer.



Purpose: To improve health by increasing physical activity, mindfully consuming food and water, trying something new and having fun with your friends!

When: Monday, January 27-March 3, 2025 at 11:59PM

How it Works

Participants will earn points during the weekly nutritional and physical challenges. Every week we will have weekly winners for both types of participants; “Teams of Three” (either two students or two faculty/staff members) or “individual participants.”  Reporting points can be done via the app on the Healthy Active tab or using this form.

Points can be reported any time on Monday. An online score card will help you track your points so reporting will be easy. Point calculation is done on the honors system. Please keep your score honest.  At the end of the challenge, we will hold a FREE drawing for prizes for all people who participated as individuals. Teams will earn prizes when they either win "Weekly Winner Prizes" or if they are the top scoring team, they will win the GRAND PRIZE. 

More Information

The challenge begins Jan. 27 and ends March 3 at 11:59pm. Final points must be reported on Monday, March 4. Please report final points by 5pm.

When to turn in points: Report total team points every Monday that follows the end of a week. A week will run Monday-Sunday, e.g. the first week of the challenge runs Jan. 27- Feb.4. Report points for week #1 on Monday, Feb. 5, anytime up to 11:59pm. You can do so via the Oregon Tech app or via this website.  Late points will not be counted, but all activities will still earn free drawing entries.

The TEAM or INDIVIDUAL with the most points at the end of each week will be declared the weekly winner. We will have new winners each week. Points can be tracked on the Scorecard provided. You may be asked to explain your points if they are outrageously high and show your scorecard.

Every time you participate in a Bonus Informational Class you will be entered into a drawing from a Door Prize. If you attend a Bonus Exercise Class, each participant will have their choice of prizes from our "Fun Swag Bag". It is one entry per person and any student, faculty or staff members will be eligible for Bonus Prizes.


If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact Jennifer Bavarskas at or via phone at 541.885.1800. If you prefer you can always chat with Jennifer on TEAMS.

Exercise Points

  • Give yourself 2 pts for every 30 minutes of intentional cardio that you do per day; walking, running, hiking, biking, lap swimming etc.
  • Give your 2 pts for every  for every 30 minutes of strength, core, and resistance training that you do in a day; lifting weights, Core Pilates, isotonic exercises etc.
  • Give yourself 2 pts for every 20 minutes of intentional stretching that you do in a day; Winsor Pilates, Yoga, Dance, etc.
  • Give yourself 1 pt for every 30 minutes of physical activity that you do in a day such as shoveling snow, playing actively with your children, recreational swimming etc.

Weekly Bonus Schedule & Nutrition Information

Counting points for weekly servings- 1 pt for every serving of fruits and vegetables that you eat each day. Get BONUS NUTRITION POINTS for salads with week. If you order or serve a side salad (instead of soup, french fries etc) then give yourself two points for every Side Salad you eat. If you make a Salad into a meal, give yourself 4 points.

Eat more vegetables and fruits and get more points. 
Please don't "fudge" your score. If you eat a Subway sandwich every six-inch sub will count as one serving. You don't get one point per tomato slice rather you need to have both lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers on your sub which will count as one serving. If you only like lettuce, then have a lot of lettuce (at least 1/2 cup will make it a serving).


ActivityDateLocationStart Time
Wake up at the YMCAJanuary 27YMCA5-8 am
Wall PalatesJanuary 30TBA3-4 pm
Adult Learn to SwimFebruary 1YMCA4-5 pm



Counting points for this week: Give yourself 1 pt for every 8 ounces of water you drink, up to 64 ounces. If you drink more than that, good for you, but the maximum points should total 8.  

ActivityDateLocationStart Time
Wake up YogaFebruary 4Tech Rec7 am
Office Chair YogaFebruary 5Teams11 am

Ai-Chi (its Tai Chi in the water) 4pm Klamath Family YMCA 3pm.

 If you have problems with sleep, check out this class

February 8YMCA4 pm

Counting points for weekly vegetable servings- 1 pt for every serving of dark leafy green vegetables and/or root vegetables  that you eat. 

Dark Leafy Greens include: Arugula, Bok Choy, Collard Green, Watercrest, Beet Greens, Kale, Mustard Greens, Rapini, Swiss Chard, Cabbage and Lettuce.

Root Vegetables include: Yams, Beets, Parsnips, Turnips, Rutabagas, Carrots, Yuca, Kohlrabi, Onions, Celery root (or celeriac), Daikon, Jerusalem Artichokes, and Radishes.

ActivityDateLocationStart Time
Yoga + PilatesFebruary 11Tech Rec7-8 am
Improve your Swimming StrokesFebruary 14YMCA3-4 pm

Let's Explore "Old" Technology this week! I am going to show you how to use your oven timer. I have a very old oven, get it still has an oven timer on it. If you know how to use this older piece of technology, you can prep a meal in the morning, set the over timer and cook the meal while you are at work and when you return home everything is ready for you to eat! The only catch is you have to know how to work that "over timer" in order for this plan to work.

This is also the second week where water counts as points. So, keep track of your water as it is one points for every 8 ounces you drink per day. Limited to 8 total cups of water per day. You can drink more if you choose to, but you will only get credit for 8 total cups per day.  You also get 1 pt for every serving of vegetables that you consume, so keep purchasing those veggies and use them as snacks, or as a part of a balanced meal. And, we are also adding fruit back into the challenge. You will get one point for every serving of fruit you each during this week.

ActivityDateLocationStart Time
Aqua Bootcamp - Shallow WaterFebruary 18YMCA6:45-7:45 pm
Intro to Water PoloFebruary 21YMCA3-4 pm

This week we will explore cooking easy college foods using the website,"100 Slow Cooker Recipes For College Students" We will also set up our own personal nutrition goal e.g. reduce my sodium by 50%, consume "O" processed sugar this week, give up caffeine for the week. Think about what you really need to do, set it as a goal, and work towards it everyday. Each day you meet your goal, you get three points per day. You will have to list your goal on the scorecard, so make sure that you really process your choice.

ActivityDateLocationStart Time
Deep Water AerobicsFebruary 27YMCA6:45-7:45 pm
Go out with a Splash Family Swim and Open Rec SwimMarch 1YMCA4-5 pm and 5-6 pm