Oregon Tech Research Resources



Topic Selection 

Interest: Pick a topic that you find interesting and compelling.  

Manageability: Choose a topic that's not too broad or too narrow. A broad topic can be difficult to focus on, while a narrow topic might not have enough information.  

Availability: Make sure there's enough material available to support your topic.  

Future trends: Consider how your research might align with future trends, which can help you identify emerging topics and technologies 

Successful Strategies for Increasing Faculty Grant Activity  

Interesting paper: https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1294056.pdf  


Search for Collaborators (Faculty, Staff, Students) 

Future database TBA 

Library Resources  

Links to research guides- https://oit.libguides.com/

Link to database A-Z list:   https://oit.libguides.com/az/databases

How to get full text for articles through the library: https://oit.libguides.com/faculty/get-full-text

How to find journals & databases in your discipline: https://oit.libguides.com/faculty/journals

Institutional Review Board (IRB)  

Oregon Tech's Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews research projects that involve human subjects.  



  1. Submit IRB Certificate of Exemption form 
  2. Submit required forms to apply for Oregon Tech IRB internal review 

NOTE: Oregon Tech researchers cannot submit directly to BRANY for external review if they would like Oregon Tech to cover the cost of the IRB evaluation.  

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) 

No cost to Oregon Tech Faculty, Staff or Students affiliated with Oregon Tech.  


 Complete the Social & Behavioral Research Basic Course through the CITI Training Program.   

You may access this program through the Research Projects/Grants tab in TechWeb.  

Click on the Research Projects/Grants Tab. 

Then click on the CITI Training tab. 

 NOTE: The training is free and is a required first step for all research protocol submissions to the IRB.  If you have completed the training at another institution, please submit your completion certificate with your protocol.   If you have questions or difficulties logging in or finding the proper course, please contact brenda.campbell@oit.edu or call 503-821-1272.   

Sponsored Projects and Grant Administration (SPGA)   


 Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) training to be completed every four years, every PI/co-PI)  

Budget Development 
  • Budget Categories (PDF Presentation)
  • This document includes descriptions, tools, and links associated with Salaries and Wages, Fringe Benefits, Equipment, Travel, Participant Support Costs, Sub-Awards, Other Direct Costs, Facilities and Administrative Costs (Indirect Costs), and Other Budget Considerations. 
  • USF postdoctoral salary caps are adapted from NIH figures. 
  • Fringe Rates

CAS Budget Template/Worksheet 


Examples of NSF and NIH proposals  Proposal Samples | Proposal Tools | Research & Scholarship | USF College of Arts & Sciences
Pre-Award Guidance & Compliance  

Oregon Tech SPGA: Phase I: Pre-Award-Phase I: Pre-Award

Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) training to be completed every four years, every PI/co-PI)  

Resource from USF: Proposal Path: Pre-Award Path | Research & Scholarship | USF College of Arts & Sciences

Post-Award Guidance 

Oregon Tech SPGA: Phase III Post Award-Phase III Post Award

Resource from USF: Post-Award Path: Post-Award Path | Research & Scholarship | USF College of Arts & Sciences

SPIN Funding Database 

Oregon Tech Login for SPIN Database of Sponsored Funding Opportunities: Access SPIN

SPIN Training recording:  

 Resource from Brown University: Support for using SPIN: SPIN - Grants and Funding Finding: Library Services and Support - Library Guides at Brown University  

Oregon Tech Foundation 

On external foundations they have a connection with/which external foundations have provided funds to us in the past.    


Oregon Tech Workload Reallocation Process, Access to Form, and Examples of Completed Forms 

Workload reallocation process & due dates for each term: workload-allocation-requests---process-and-guidance.pdf

 To request a form to complete and submit, please email provostoffice@oit.edu 

 Examples of completed forms used with permission:  

Kyle Chapman: Research Workload Allocation Request Form

Yasha Rohwer: Research Workload Allocation Request Form 

How to develop an abstract  

Presentation - https://participatorysciences.org/resources/abstract-guidelines/

 Resources on developing an abstract for a grant application - https://your.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/HowToWriteACompellingAbstractForGrantApplication_July2017.pdf


How to make a professional poster  

How To Guides: 




Tips for presenting research

Know your audience and make you presentation fit 

How To Guides on Presentations: 



FORGE-training resources 


Statistical Support  

Torres, Terri, Mathematics

Examples of online accounts  

Biographical Sketch Instructions