
March 13 & 14 Session

What happened: Representatives of the Oregon Tech chapter of the American Association of University Professors (OT-AAUP) and Oregon Tech met on Thursday, March 13, and Friday, March 14, to exchange proposals on 10 topics.

Oregon Tech proposed one significant, immediate change:

The University wants to increase base salaries in the Medical Imaging Technology department starting in the spring term to help recruit and retain faculty. Based on market data from CUPA-HR – a recognized university human resources organization – Oregon Tech proposed adding the following amounts to the salaries of MIT bargaining unit members:

Provisional Instructor $3,000
Assistant Professor$12,500
Associate Professor$11,000

The University hopes OT-AAUP can agree to this proposal immediately so it can take effect with the spring term.

Additionally, the University is working on a potential proposal to provide bonuses to MIT faculty who teach in-person lecture and laboratory classes. The bonuses would be tied to the year-over-year increase of student credit hours in those classes, in recognition of the high student demand for in-person, hands-on, experience-based MIT courses.

The University also proposed changes on these other issues:

  • Association Dues: The University agreed to most of OT-AAUP's changes but also wants to notify bargaining unit members who choose to cancel their dues that OT-AAUP must approve their cancellation before the University can stop collecting dues from their paycheck.
  • Notices of Appointment: The University compromised about when notices of non-renewal are provided, and both sides had a very good and involved discussion about the duration of each faculty appointment. OT-AAUP stated that annual appointments are not attractive for recruitment and retainment, and they proposed linking the duration to each faculty member’s rank and tenure status. The University rejected that proposal but discussed other ways to address the issue, such as with rolling contracts.
  • Totality of the Agreement: The University rejected OT-AAUP’s proposal and wants the current contract language to remain through the next agreement.
  • Non-Discrimination: The University responded to OT-AAUP's proposal by stating it would include as protected classes those identified by state and federal law.

OT-AAUP proposed updates to the following six sections of the contract:

  • Academic Freedom: OT-AAUP proposed additional language regarding their duties and obligations. They also proposed language that would allow only the bargaining unit member to make any changes to a student’s grade.
  • Personnel Records: OT-AAUP agreed to some of the University’s proposed language on what is contained in members’ employment and academic files. They also proposed that employees be able to inspect these files at their primary work location.
  • Leaves: OT-AAUP countered the University’s changes by proposing a change to the way that sick leave is accrued for part-time faculty. The proposal also included language for Paid Leave Oregon and a clarification regarding family medical leaves to provide faculty with discretion to use other accrued leaves during the absence. The counter proposal also asked for two additional leave categories: one for “Promotion Related Career Development Paid Leave” and new language for a process related to inclement weather and other campus closures.
  • No Strike, No Lockout: OT-AAUP proposed changes that would permit picketing during the negotiations and clarify lockout language.
  • Security Cameras: Regarding the recent Security Camera Policy (OIT-030-008), OT-AAUP proposed, among other things, that it have a seat on the Security Technology Committee. It also proposed language around use of the camera footage in the disciplinary process and prevention of camera placement in areas where bargaining unit employees perform their core job duties and/or have privacy or academic freedom interests.
  • Association Dues: OT-AAUP accepted most of the University’s language and clarified language related to when it would hold the University harmless for errors in dues deductions.

What’s next: The bargaining teams will continue to exchange proposals on the non-economic parts of the contract during their next bargaining session, which is from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 3 and 9 a.m. to noon on Friday, April 4 in Klamath Falls. 

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Next Bargaining Session

The parties plan to meet next in Klamath Falls from 2 to 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 3, and from 9 to noon on Friday, April 4. 


Background Facts

  • AAUP includes 139 faculty members
  • Current Contract Healthcare Benefits: 95-97% of the cost of healthcare is paid by OIT depending on the plan selected.

Current Faculty Contract Salary Increases

YearBase Salary IncreaseMerit Based Pool
Contract total11%3.50%

Average salary of faculty on 9-month contract

Associate Professor$76,440
Assistant Professor$66,409


Average salary of faculty on 12-month contract

Associate Professor$99,127
Assistant Professor$75,947
OIT Expenses pie chart - 2025 Faculty Union Barganing

OIT Expenses

  • Salary and Benifits 73.2%
  • Service and Supplies 22.9%
  • Other 3.0%
OIT Revenues pie chart - 2025 Faculty Union Barganing

OIT Revenues

  • State Appropriations 55.7%
  • Tuition and Fees 42.9%
  • Other 4.4%


Frequently Asked Questions


  • When will bargaining be done?
    • When both parties agree to a new contract.
  • Who is represented by the union?
    • 130 faculty members
  • Is there a chance they will strike?
    • The union has that option if a new contract is negotiated, but not until after the statutory requirements are fulfilled, which would likely not be until sometime in August.
  • What does the union want?
    • Please refer to the latest proposals from both parties above.
  • What factors impact negotiations?
    • There are many factors, including the increased costs of healthcare, overall revenue and expenses, and student enrollment (see facts above).
  • Can I watch the sessions online?
    • Observers can be present in the main bargaining room. Advance notice of virtual observers must be given to Oregon Tech, are limited in number and must use their Oregon Tech credentials to log-on to the virtual platform. We will provide updates on this website following each session.