The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Oregon Family Leave Act (OFLA) provide qualified employees with leave from work for their own or their family's medical needs. Family and Medical Leaves provide time off for serious health conditions for you or a family member, maternity, bonding with a new child (adoption, foster care, parental), bereavement, military family leave (exigency and caregiver), and to care for a sick child.
Family and Medical Leave Fact Sheet
Job and Benefits Protection
FMLA/OFLA provide unpaid, job-protected leave when you need to take time off work. Leave may be taken all at once or intermittently as required. Current leave laws define who is eligible, what absences qualify, and how much leave time you may take during the leave year. Your health insurance benefits are protected and will be continued while you are on FMLA/OFLA leave.
Leave for Victims Certain Crimes
Under Oregon law protected leave for survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault or Stalking may be available.
Obtaining More Information
Any employee needing more information is encouraged to contact the Benefits Office using the contact information on this page.