Extracurricular Activities
I am very active in our Christian club on campus as well as our local church and bible studies. I have 2 jobs, one serving the people of the community at the morgue and one as a math/programming tutor at Oregon Tech.
A Little Bit About Me
I grew up in rural Oregon, where I learned a lot about hard work and country life. I am the oldest of 7, and my mother homeschooled us all. She had a huge emphasis on math and science, which eventually led me to Oregon Tech. This is especially cool for me since Oregon Tech is the Alma Mater of my mother, my grandmother, and my great-grandmother! I enjoy playing piano, which I have done for 13 years, and I spend a lot of time with friends discussing school, work, or weekend plans.
Why I Chose Oregon Tech and My Major
Part of why I chose Oregon Tech is because so many people in my family went, and because it was close to home. Once I was there, however, I quickly realized that the small class sizes, the great professors, and the ability of everyone to openly discuss and share new ideas or have a new perspective on old ideas. I originally majored in Electrical Engineering but realized that all of my favorite classes focused on computers and circuitry, which we have a major for here! Switching majors also allowed me to dual major in Mathematics as well, which has always been a passion for me.
My Influential Professors
I have had two professors that have really stood out during my time at Oregon Tech, although I've had many more wonderful professors. One was Todd Breedlove, a Software Engineering professor. He is extremely invested in the lives of his students and cares deeply for each one. He makes his classes hard enough to push his students, but never expects the impossible of them and is always available to help them if they struggle. The other professor is Professor Reid in the Mathematics department. He is a funny, brilliant man who makes his class material really come to life. He has taken classes in every engineering field that Oregon Tech offers and is able to bring real life examples to math that could be a little abstract without his help. He is also fond of making jokes in class and talking about his weekly bowling games. He is very engaging, humorous, and encouraging. He was a large part in choosing to take my mathematics degree.
My Greatest Learning Experience At Oregon Tech
I have learned that the people you surround yourself with are very likely to make or break you. At Oregon Tech I managed to find a lot of very intelligent, very driven people. With their help and support I have been able to overcome classes and challenges that I would never have been able to do on my own. I've been blessed to have a strong, supportive community with many types of people and many types of challenges that diverse people bring.
My Plans After Graduation
I would like to work in robotics designing artificial limbs for paraplegic people. Robotics has always amazed me, and I would love to find something that I am both passionate about and that I can help people with my skills. I also plan to raise a family, and hopefully volunteer as a sports coach for high school students.