Oh my GOD! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much! Not going to lie, this virus has turned my whole world upside down. Nevertheless, I can adapt and I'm sure everything will work out just fine. My main worries was financial problems and this money will help me so much! Thank you so much from a hard working (laid off now) single mom and full time college student. You made my day! Gratefully appreciative for all you do!
What program are you in?
I am a senior in the Applied Psychology program.
When will you graduate?
I will graduate in June 2020 (whenever we have commencement).
Where is your hometown?
I was born and raised in Klamath Falls and absolutely love our town.
Are you on externship? If so, where? If not, have you done one and where?
I am currently on my second term of internship with the Technical Opportunities Program (TOP) at Oregon Tech. I really love learning about all the different jobs one does as an academic advisor for TOP. As a TOP advisor, you advise students on a variety of things like financial, personal, professional, resources, and connections. TOP also puts on events for TOP students such as winter retreat and etiquette dinners. Faculty of TOP also take students on trips such to TED Talk, Crater Lake, and Ashland. You do so many nontraditional jobs, which is why I love my internship with the TOP Program.
What do you love about Oregon Tech or your program?
I have really enjoyed my four years at Oregon Tech so much that I know I want to work for Oregon Tech after graduation. I love the atmosphere of campus and could see myself going here every day to help students achieve their dreams.
What are you looking forward to upon graduation?
I plan to stay in Klamath Falls to further my career. My family lives here and I want to stay where I have a good support system.
How has COVID-19 (coronavirus) impacted you this term?
I know all of us are experiencing hard times during this uncertainty. Covid-19 has affected me tremendously. I am a single mom of a 12 year old son, I have worked at Sizzler restaurant for 12 years almost full time and I go to Oregon Tech full time. My daily life was crazy busy and I was gone from 7 am to 10 pm five days a week. I was so used to being gone. Unfortunately, my employer closed due to Covid-19. This changed my life dramatically. I had to sign up for unemployment. I also had to sign up for food stamps and food boxes. I was unsure how I was going to pay my rent and was worried if I was going to lose my home I have had for 7 years. Everything in my life was uncertain and it caused a lot of anxiety.
What else should we know about you?
When I heard Oregon Tech was offering a scholarship I signed up immediately. Today I found out I was awarded The Helping Owl Scholarship for $1500 and I literally started crying. I was overwhelmed with joy and emotions. This money is a saving grace to someone like me. I now know I will be able to pay my rent and bills and can enjoy being home another month. This security means the world to a single mom like me. I am so thankful because of wonderful people like yourselves. You have also helped so many others with your generous contributions and I cannot say thank you enough, from the bottom of my heart. The world could use more good-hearted people like yourselves. Without people like you, a hard working single mom/college student could have not accomplished her dream goal of graduating from Oregon Tech. Thank you so much.