Extracurricular Activities
I run my own business, Lindsey Siagian Creative LLC, where I create content and run businesses' social media accounts.
A Little Bit About Me
I attended South Medford High School, where I took several AP and Honors classes, was involved in clubs, and was on the varsity wrestling team. I also volunteered as a Tae Kwon Do instructor and received my black belt in the discipline in May 2022. After coming to Oregon Tech, I quickly realized I wanted to pursue a degree in accounting and switched my major. I really love working with financial numbers, and the degree program here was a perfect fit. I run my own social media management business, and I plan on growing that business throughout my time here.
Why I Chose Oregon Tech and My Major
I chose Oregon Tech because it was affordable, has a great return on investment, smaller classes, and a well-rounded degree program. I started as a Health Care Management major but then switched to accounting. I chose accounting because I really enjoy working with numbers in a practical business sense. It aligns well with my strengths: I'm analytical, organized, and have a knack for financial matters.
My Influential Professors
I've really enjoyed learning from Jared Emard. His management classes are very hands-on and practical. Another influential professor I've had is Carmen Morgan. Her ACC201 class is what swayed me to change my major to accounting.
My Greatest Learning Experience At Oregon Tech
My greatest learning experience has been learning from professors who are truly passionate about the field they are teaching. You can tell by their material that they care about the students understanding these subjects. It's inspiring and makes me excited to go into my chosen industry.
My Plans After Graduation
After graduation, I plan on attending law school where I can use my degree to bring a new perspective, broaden my knowledge, and become an attorney. I hope to practice tax law, employment law, or estate law.