Student, Class of 2026

Extracurricular Activities

Playing baseball and attending MLB games at various ballparks, video gaming, hiking.

A Little Bit About Me

I was born and raised in California and chose an out of state college with a strong engineering program. After my freshman year, I have decided to pursue an Applied Mathematics minor to compliment my Mechanical Engineering major. My older brother is a civil engineer, and my sister is a registered nurse. Educational pursuits in STEM majors were encouraged by my parents as they are so vital to our society.

Why I Chose Oregon Tech and My Major

I wanted to pursue an engineering major because I really understand mathematics and enjoyed physics in high school. I enjoy building things and understanding what makes them operational. Oregon Tech has a strong engineering program and is a WUE school for California students, so I did not have to pay full out of state tuition.

My Influential Professors

My math teachers, Professor Davis and Professor Fogarty, are excellent at helping me to grasp complex mathematical concepts and encouraged me to pursue an Applied Mathematics minor. My manufacturing Professor Stan Pence has taught me how to understand and read blueprints while my lab instructor, Spencer Bradbrook, taught me to operate lathes and mills correctly and safely.

My Greatest Learning Experience At Oregon Tech

My greatest learning experience at Oregon Tech was learning how to use lathes and mills, as well as how to read manufacturing blueprint instructions from my MFG 120 class.

My Plans After Graduation

I am hoping to secure an internship next summer that hopefully turns into a career opportunity with the respective company. I may also pursue a career with a contractor for the Department of Defense.