High School Transition Program
Oregon Tech invites high school students to join us in getting a head start on their college careers by enrolling in classes on our Portland-Metro campus in Wilsonville. Contact us to schedule an advising appointment in person or via Zoom and to register for classes.
Browse the courses below to see which classes might be a good fit for you this fall!. You can also explore the full list of classes by using the course search tool. Remember that we can only extend the HST tuition discount to classes that are not highlighted as online.
Students wishing to enroll in HST courses must:
- Be classified as a high school student.
- Be a resident of Oregon.
- Be at least 14 years of age.
- Enroll in 100 or 200* level on campus courses (online coursework is not encouraged).
- Meet the prerequisite requirements for desired courses. Prerequisites can be met through coursework or Placement Testing.
- Pass a placement test to register for courses in math or writing.
- High School Transition Students enroll as non-degree seeking students. They are limited to eight credits per term.
* 200 level WRI courses require Communication Department approval prior to registration.
High School Transition students can take up to eight credits per term at a reduced tuition rate of $25 per credit. Students who are eligible for free/reduced lunches at their high school are eligible to receive a tuition waiver. Eligible students must complete a Grant Waiver request. Please keep in mind, due to the reduced tuition there are no refunds for HST courses. Online classes incur a full tuition fee as we are unable to extend the HST tuition discount to them.

Explore your interests
explore a career in Medical Lab Science by registering for Medical Detectives!
Medical Detectives (MLS 107)
July 8 - July 30th
Mondays and Tuesdays 3:30 - 6:30 PM
Medical Detectives is an introduction to the professional field of medical laboratory science. Students will discover the clinical pathology department, where they will perform hands-on lab procedures in the fields of hematology, urinalysis, clinical chemistry, transfusion medicine, and microbiology.
Students will compile data collected, assess the significance of their findings and discuss the importance of the laboratory results in making a patient diagnosis.
Tuition for Medical Detectives is $50 or free for students who qualify for free/reduced lunch at their high schools.
Registration opens May 1st. Contact Gale Bloom now to hold a space in Medical Detectives!
Pursue Your Goals
at Oregon Tech this summer to get a head start in a wide variety of degree programs.
June 24 - August 16th
Public Speaking (COM 111Z)
Wednesdays 10:00AM - 12:50 PM
4 credits
Public speaking with emphasis on content, organization, and speaker adjustments to various situations.