A Tuition Waiver application for Chapter 35 dependents is available for Klamath Falls, Online, & Chemeketa students from Michelle Monteith, by email at michelle.monteith@oit.edu, or for Portland-Metro students from Kendal Marks by email at kendal.marks@oit.edu. The waiver may not exceed 20 credit hours per term, and 180 credits in total and you must meet Oregon residency requirements as stipulated with OAR 580-010-0030 through 580-010-0045.

There is also financial assistance for Army National Guard, Army active and Army Reserve through the Army National Guard Federal Tuition Assistance program. See your Unit Education Liaison for more information.

Navy, Marines and Coast Guard are encouraged to contact the Education Liaison for their branch.

Oregon National Guard State Tuition Assistance (ONGSTA) may experience state budget cost savings measures that reduce awards during Winter 2025 and Spring 2025.  The Oregon Office of Student Access and Completion (OSAC) has established tuition payments as its primary priority during this period of cost savings, therefore, fees and book allowances may not be available during these times.  Additionally, Summer Term 2025 may not be funded by ONGSTA if these measures are enacted.  Any impacted student is encouraged to contact our Financial Aid office to receive more information and other funding opportunities.