Oregon Tech Student Veterans

We are here to assist you in transitioning from military life to student life! Here are the recommended steps to utilize your VA benefit as efficiently as possible:
- Review the VA website and determine which educational benefits (programs/chapter) you are eligible for.
- Get admitted to Oregon Tech. Note: you may only receive VA benefits for two terms without being fully-admitted to Oregon Tech (i.e. a non-degree student).
- Complete VA Application for education benefits.
- Submit a Certificate of Eligibility (sent via mail VA application has been processed) to the campus-specific School Certifying Official.
- Once registered for classes, complete the Course Certification form
- Transfer Students:
If you are transferring from another higher education institution with 36 credits or more and are a veteran, welcome! Here are some steps to assist in the transfer process:- Send all transcripts to the Registrar’s Office (registrar@oit.edu). To include the military transcript or Joint Services Transcripts (JST), please request them from the JST website. Oregon Tech adheres to ACE-recommended guidelines for transfer credit evaluation. Military experience is currently not evaluated, but Oregon Tech can accept military credit or courses. Each student has their own individual evaluation specific to their major and circumstances.
- As a transfer student, you can transfer and apply up to 75% of the degree from another institution and/or military credit. The remainder of the degree pursued must be completed with Oregon Tech. An evaluated education plan will be provided within 60 days after the individual has selected a degree program and all required official transcripts have been received.
- FILE YOUR FAFSA: Oregon Tech encourages all military-connected students to file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as it is available, typically October 1st of each year is the opening date. Filing as soon as possible can help maximize the amount of grants and scholarships that are available. We must have a valid FAFSA on file before the award year ends in June and you must be enrolled in 6 credits or more to be eligible for aid. Some types of aid are limited, we suggest you file the FAFSA the first month it is open to be considered for all financial aid.
- National Guard and Reserve service members utilizing Oregon National Guard State Tuition Assistance (ONGSTA) and/or VA Education Benefit Chapter 1606 - MGIB Selected Reserve MUST consult your Education Service Officer (ESO) or a counselor from within their unit or base prior to enrollment.
ATTENTION National Guard Members enrolled in Winter Term 2025: Oregon National Guard State Tuition Assistance (ONGSTA) may experience state budget cost savings measures that reduce awards during Winter 2025 and Spring 2025. The Oregon Office of Student Access and Completion (OSAC) has established tuition payments as its primary priority during this period of cost savings, therefore, fees and book allowances may not be available during these times. Additionally, Summer Term 2025 may not be funded by ONGSTA if these measures are enacted. Any impacted student is encouraged to contact our Financial Aid office to receive more information and other funding opportunities.
- Students using Chapter 30 - Montgomery GI Bill, or Chapter 1606 - MGIB Selected Reserve, Once approved for your program and certified to receive benefits under these programs, each student must verify enrollment monthly by Web Automated Verification of Enrollment, WAVE. This generates your VA payment.
Federal Financial Aid questions
For questions about your federal financial aid or state aid options, including Federal loan assistance, Federal Grant Assistance, Assistance with the FAFSA, private student loan assistance, State funding assistance, etc. Please contact your Financial Aid Counselor. All service-members are encouraged to submit a FAFSA. Any financial aid loan offers can be declined by the students in the Tech web portal or by emailing your financial aid counselor either for the full amount or accepting a lesser amount. Before borrowing any type of student loan it is recommended that you meet with your financial aid counselor.
Willow Augustine, for students with last names A - L
Jason Coatney, for students with last names M - Z
Late Fees and Interest Charges:
Note: Late fees and interest will be charged to all student accounts (including students receiving financial aid and/or VA benefits) with unpaid balances after the payment due date. However, late fees do not apply to students on the payment plan who make all payments on time. For payment plan due dates, see the Cashier's Calendar. In the case of a student receiving VA benefits who has paid all non-VA covered charges by the payment due date, the late fee and interest will be removed once payment that clears the balance is received as long as the certification deadline (end of the second week of the term) was met. Contact the Cashier’s Office at cashier@oit.edu or Michelle Monteith michelle.monteith@oit.edu for help calculating amounts that will not be covered by the VA (please include which VA benefits you are expecting to receive).
Important Admissions Information for Military Connected Students
Per federal regulations Schools may not provide any commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly upon success in securing enrollments or the award of financial aid to any individual or entity engaged in any recruiting or admission activities or in making decisions about awarding FSA program funds. The Admissions Department follows a policy that bans employees from receiving any incentives for recruiting or securing enrollment of any service members or any other student group.
The Admissions Department also refrains from any high-pressure recruitment tactics by any means (phone, email etc.) for securing enrollments of Veterans or any other student group. If a student receives emails or phone calls from us, they have the option to opt out of communications from us.
Before enrollment at Oregon Tech there are a few steps military connected students must take.
Review the VA website and determine which educational benefits (programs/chapter) you are eligible for.
Get admitted to Oregon Tech
Receive approval from your ESO.
Complete VA application
Submit a Certificate of Eligibility (sent via mail VA application has been processed) to the campus-specific School Certifying Official.
Once registered for classes, complete the Course Certification form
Per federal regulations a school must promptly readmit a service member with the same academic status as he had when last attended the school or was accepted for admission to the school. This requirement applies to any student who leaves school due to military service such as deployment, active duty etc.
Note: Check your Oregon Tech email regularly as this is our official means of communication. Remember-VA will only pay for courses that apply to your specific Oregon Tech program!
Higher Education Act of 1965
We are following the admissions policy for service members outlined in section 484C of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, or 20 U.S.C. 1091c.
We will promptly readmit with the same academic status a service member who was previously admitted to the institution but who did not attend, or did not continue to attend, because of service in the uniformed services. This requirement applies to any student who cannot attend school due to military service. The readmission requirements apply to service members who perform service in the uniformed services, whether voluntary or involuntary, in the Armed Forces, including service as a member of the National Guard or Reserve, on active duty, active duty for training, or full-time National Guard duty under Federal authority (but not State authority), for a period of more than 30 consecutive days under a call or order to active duty of more than 30 consecutive days.
An otherwise eligible service member qualifies if:
1. The institution is given notice of the service member’s absence for service.
2. The cumulative length of absences from the institution by reason of service does not exceed five years.
3. The service member gives notice of his or her intent to return by the applicable time limit.

Student Veterans benefit at Oregon Tech

Oregon Tech offers unlimited funding for the Yellow Ribbon Program and adheres to the Section 702 Choice Act to benefit out-of-state student veterans.
We now also offer to waive the admission fee entirely (with appropriate military documentation), and offer college credit for military coursework upon receipt of official transcripts.
Military Accolades:

by US Veterans Magazine
GI Jobs- Military Friendly Schools
by Military Times
Military-Friendly Colleges & Universities
by Military Advanced Education (MAE)