Ph.D. Sociology, Population Health Track
M.S. Sociology
B.S. Psychology
Spanish Minor
Certificate, Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Dr. Sophie Nathenson is a medical sociologist, health consultant, and the designer and founding Director of Oregon Tech’s Population Health Management B.S. program (BS-PHM). Dr. Nathenson launched a Population Health Management Research Center (PHMRC) in 2015. Through her directorship at the PHMRC, she led coalition-based research projects on emergency preparedness, nutrition and food security programs, and youth perspectives on educational attainment and social problems. Clients and community partners include Klamath County Public Health, Red Cross of America, Prepare Redmond, Tribal Health, Oregon State University Extension Office, Oregon Health and Science University, Blue Zones Project, Sky Lakes Medical Center, Sky Lakes Live Young Wellness Center, Klamath Food Bank, and Klamath City and County School Districts.
As a research consultant, coach, and educator, Dr. Nathenson provides insight into the strategy of initiatives that seek to address the social determinants of health. She applies the sociological perspective to the analysis of population health problems and seeks to empower students with the tools needed to design and launch solutions.
Dr. Nathenson is based on the Portland-Metro campus, having spent 7 years at the Klamath Falls campus. In addition to teaching in the PHM program and medical sociology minor, she is a professor in the Masters of Allied Health program.
Dr. Nathenson presents on sociological perspectives of health issues, curriculum design, research centers, and innovation. She integrates health, entrepreneurship, and holistic perspectives in her work, often collaborating with health professionals on scholarly works. Her most recent publication is “A Holistic Transcendental Leadership Model for Enhancing Innovation and Creativity in Healthcare”. Outside of work, she enjoys yoga, meditation, trail running, swimming, camping, and art.