Facilities Planning Commission
Reporting Line
The Facilities Planning Commission reports to the President.
Membership Composition
The commission is composed of the Vice President of Finance and Administration (chair); Provost;
Vice President of Student Affairs; Vice Provost; Associate Vice President and Chief Information
Officer; College Deans; Directors of Admissions, Athletics, Facilities Management Services &
Capital Planning, Library, and Registrar; three faculty members; one member of the Faculty Senate
Executive Committee; a Portland-Metro representative; and two students.
Commission Responsibilities
1. Recommend to the President the priority for building construction, remodeling, and optimal
building utilization during master planning efforts.
2. Advise on major changes in the use of space.
3. Review requests for additional space and equipment, which would become a part of the
building inventory.
Chair, Vice President | 2023-24 | John Harman | Finance and Administration |
Provost and Vice President | 2023-24 | Joanna Mott | Academic Affairs |
Vice Provost | 2023-24 | Abdy Afjeh | Research and Academic Affairs |
AVP/CIO or des. | 2023-24 | Tony Richey | Information Technology |
Assoc. Vice President | 2023-24 | Mandi Clark | Student Affairs |
Dean of Engineering, Technology, and Management | 2023-24 | Nesli Alp | Academic Affairs |
Dean of Health, Arts, and Sciences | 2023-24 | Dan Peterson | Academic Affairs |
Director | 2023-24 | Josephine Ness | Admissions |
Director | 2023-24 | John Van Dyke | Athletics |
Director | 2023-24 | Thom Darrah | Facilities Management Services |
University Librarian (Int.) | 2023-24 | Kristin Whitman | Academic Affairs |
University Registrar | 2023-24 | Wendy Ivie | Academic Affairs |
Portland-Metro Representative | 2023-26 | Maria Depuy | Budget & Planning Office |
Senate Executive Representative | 2023-24 | Ashton Greer | Faculty Senate |
Faculty 1 | 2022-25 | Ken Davis | Applied Mathematics |
Faculty 2 | 2022-25 | Gary Lomprey | Business Management |
Faculty 3 | 2021-24 | Sharon Beaudry | Business Management |
Klamath Falls Student Representative | 2023-24 | Diana Escamilla | Student |
Portland-Metro Student Representative | 2023-24 | Nathan Crockett | Student |
Executive Assistant | 2023-24 | Helen Drewel | Finance and Administration |