Facilities Planning Commission

Reporting Line
The Facilities Planning Commission reports to the President.

Membership Composition
The commission is composed of the Vice President of Finance and Administration (chair); Provost;
Vice President of Student Affairs; Vice Provost; Associate Vice President and Chief Information
Officer; College Deans; Directors of Admissions, Athletics, Facilities Management Services &
Capital Planning, Library, and Registrar; three faculty members; one member of the Faculty Senate
Executive Committee; a Portland-Metro representative; and two students.

Commission Responsibilities
1. Recommend to the President the priority for building construction, remodeling, and optimal
building utilization during master planning efforts.
2. Advise on major changes in the use of space.
3. Review requests for additional space and equipment, which would become a part of the
building inventory.

Chair, Vice President2024-25John HarmanFinance and Administration
Provost  (Int.)2024-25Hesham El-RewiniAcademic Affairs
Vice Provost2024-25Abdy Afjeh Academic Affairs/Research
AVP/CIO 2024-25Tony RicheyInformation Technology
Vice President2024-25Mandi ClarkStudent Affairs
Dean of ETM2024-25Neslihan AlpAcademic Affairs
Dean of HAS (Int.)2024-25Denise SeabertAcademic Affairs
Director2024-25Josephine NessAdmissions
Director2024-25John Van DykeAthletics
Director2024-25Thom DarrahFacilities Management Services/Capital Planning
University Librarian 2024-25Cate GuentherLibrary
University Registrar2024-25Wendy IvieRegistrar
Portland-Metro Representative2023-26Maria DepuyBudget & Planning Office
Senate Executive Representative2024-25Ashton GreerFaculty Senate
Faculty 12022-25Kenneth DavisApplied Mathematics
Faculty 22022-25Gary LompreyBusiness Management
Faculty 32024-27Brian MoravecManufacturing/Mechanical Eng. Tech.
Klamath Falls Student Representative2024-25Cedric RomeroStudent
Portland-Metro Student Representative2024-25Ted MastrangeloStudent
Executive Assistant2024-25Helen DrewelFinance and Administration

Commission Meetings

Facilities Planning Commission (FPC) Meeting

Time: 4:00 pm

Location: Sunset Conference Room (CU) & Teams


Facilities Planning Commission (FPC) Meeting

Time:  3:00-4:00pm

Location:  CEET Conference Room & Microsoft Teams





Facilities Planning Commission (FPC) Meeting

