Social Media Use

Social media is an excellent tool for connecting and sharing information. Oregon Tech supports social media use for the exchange of ideas and information and for networking with peers and other professionals. Whether participating on behalf of the University, a university-related group, or as an individual, all users should follow the same code of conduct online as they would in person or elsewhere. All Oregon Tech community members share responsibility in maintaining Oregon Tech's reputation for excellence and should consider all content published online permanent, even if it is deleted.
The content on this page is specific to ensuring a respectful, welcoming, fun, and interactive environment for the Oregon Tech online community. The guidelines reinforce existing policies for regulatory compliance, copyright and fair use, and proprietary information of each platform.
The guidelines for establishing an account as a club or program representative can be found on TECHweb. Individuals or groups that post on behalf of Oregon Tech or any of its entities and do not have access to TECHweb should email to request the Social Media Guidelines.
Engage With Oregon Tech
Personal use
Personal use is social media use on an account registered to an individual and a personal email address that is not for Oregon Tech business purposes.
Oregon Tech employees should not present themselves as a representative of Oregon Tech when posting personal opinions or feelings. When registering for accounts on social media or an external network for personal use, do not use email addresses.
Professional use
Professional use is defined as using social media as an authorized component of an employee's Oregon Tech job duties or as a representative of an Oregon Tech group. Examples of this are tweeting on behalf of an Oregon Tech-associated Twitter account or posting on a Flickr, blog, YouTube, or Facebook account on behalf of Oregon Tech. Recognize that professional opinions may be interpreted as a university policy or position. When possible, make it clear that opinions do not necessarily reflect those of Oregon Tech.
Photo/video release forms are available by emailing |
Posting and moderating guidelines are developed according to the overall community standards of the social media platforms. Oregon Tech encourages comments, discussions, questions, and respectful criticism on university accounts; however, page administrators reserve the right to moderate and remove content deemed inappropriate, including:
- illegal activity, gambling, underage alcohol consumption, drugs, nudity, etc.;
- violent behavior or obscene language;
- political content, including protests and petitions that are off topic;
- comments that are off topic from the post or from the forum’s identified purpose;
- advertising content whose primary purpose is to sell a product, a service, or other such practices (spam);
- content that discriminates against an individual or group;
- hate speech, bullying – any content that harasses, abuses, threatens or in any other way violates the rights of others;
- pornographic, obscene, sexual, or otherwise inappropriate images or language;
- advocating or promoting drugs, violence, or other illegal behaviors;
- disclosure of sensitive personal identifying information or confidential information; and
- content that violates copyright or trademark laws.
Oregon Tech reserves the right to block users and/or remove administrative access from users who violate these guidelines.
Users must adhere to each social media platform’s terms of service (TOS). Community standards listed in each TOS apply to all posts and comments made on Oregon Tech’s social media accounts and can be reason for moderation by administrators. Familiarize yourself with the standards and adhere to them to maintain an effective social media presence for Oregon Tech and yourself.
Click the icons below to learn more about platform-specific moderating guidelines. If you did not find what you are looking for on this page, contact Marketing, Communications, and Public Affairs at