Portland-Metro Student Services provides free tutoring for students through the Peer Tutoring program.

What is Peer Tutoring?

Peer Tutoring encourages all students to access these free services! Whether you're a straight A student or struggling with your coursework, the center is open for you.
Consider Peer Tutoring as an extension of your classroom and lab course work. Successful students add it to their daily or weekly schedule and make it a personal commitment to visit Peer Tutoring to ask questions and/or receive guidance and feedback on their work.
Peer Tutoring is completely free academic tutoring provided by your classmates. Peer Tutors are typically Oregon Tech students who have earned a B or better in the same classes you are taking now.
We offer academic support in most academic subjects including:
  • Anatomy & Physiology
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science Technology
  • Cybersecurity
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Management Information Systems
  • Math
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Physics, Physics with Calculus
  • Programming and Software Design
  • Renewable Energy Engineering
  • Software Engineering
  • Writing
students studying

Peer Tutoring Services

Most meetings with Peer Tutors are one-on-one, unless you are working on homework or a project with someone else.

There are often available Peer Tutors in the Peer Tutoring Center during business hours. Just ask someone with a blue name badge for help. If no one is immediately available, you may have to wait or make an appointment for another time.

May be arranged for specific meeting times throughout the term, or just before a midterm or final exam.

We have a few Peer Tutors who can provide online tutoring in some subjects, and are available through Peer Tutoring Services (WC) Online. Distance consulting needs may be arranged on a case by case basis.

Register for Tutoring and View the Schedule

How do I access the Peer Tutoring Center?

Call (503) 821-1250 or email at portland@oit.edu

Join us every week!

Peer Tutoring offers drop-in weekly Study Jam events. Stop in and get your homework done and/or ask questions about things that you're working on.