Extracurricular Activities
Oregon Tech Men's Golf Team, Community Volunteering Projects, PGA & USGA Championship Volunteer, Hiking / Recreational Activities
A Little Bit About Me
My most meaningful accomplishment is consistent volunteerism. In high school, I was an active office holder in our school's leadership program where I led and participated in numerous community service activities. I volunteered in local philanthropy fundraisers, community sporting programs, volunteer fire department awareness, community trash pickups, food drives, and meals on wheels program. With the help of local leaders, I dedicated discretionary time introducing and assisting fellow students in educational projects, specifically S.T.E.M. programs. Helping others and watching them achieve their best is something I take great pride in doing. I strive to give my best and encourage others to do the same. Assisting neighboring students with their schoolwork and volunteering as a big brother brings me great satisfaction. I hope my efforts will encourage others to pay it forward developing a future of civic-minded leaders. While I pursue my goals to become an orthodontist, I will learn a professional skill allowing me to give back to others in my community and assist others in need of dental care.
Why I Chose Oregon Tech and My Major
Oregon Tech has an incredible Bio-Health Science program with well-known professors whose names were heard in Portland, Oregon. I attended middle school in Hillsboro and heard of students, like me, having great educational success at Oregon Tech. Oregon Tech provided me the opportunity to fulfill a dream of playing collegiate golf. Coming from humble beginnings, I am forever grateful for the chance to improve my economic standing. Being a part of the Oregon Tech family is a dream come true. Every day is a great day to be a Hustling Owl!
My Influential Professors
Education has always been a focus within our family. I am inspired by my grandfathers who were first generation college graduates. One grandfather was a nuclear chemist and the other a State Senator. I plan to pursue an advanced medical education in dentistry-orthodontia. This skill set will allow me to combine my science and artistic interests into a rewarding career. In my volunteer efforts, I see the appreciation of a warm smile. My favorite memories have come on a golf course whether playing with family, competing in tournaments or making new friends. In these moments, I recall the guidance of a mentor, Grant Rogers, who says, "The winner in golf is the one who has the most fun." Being around golf makes me happy, and when I am happy - I smile. The smile translates into every language spoken and unspoken. It can be an icebreaker, healer, comforter and even a thank you. In the words of Dr. Seuss, "A simple smile is the start of opening your heart and compassion to others." William Shakespeare said, "A smile cures the wounding of a frown." I hope to make the world a better place filled with smiles - giving confidence to some or sharing appreciation with others whether on a golf course or on the sidewalk in my neighborhood.
My Greatest Learning Experience At Oregon Tech
Like most students in Oregon, COVID-19 has affected most learning environments. The pandemic forced our high school to conduct remote learning programs which statistically reduces the overall learning of students by upwards of 40%. I was fortunate to have a solid elementary and middle school education foundation that prepared me to be organized, disciplined and an advocate for my learning, however, many of the senior year traditions and social fabric were missed. Even last year as a freshman at Oregon Tech, Canvas and Zoom were a new normal as students were isolated away from the physical classroom. As a leader in our school, the ability to organize and implement programs and activities highlighting this benchmark year will be forfeited. At the same time, I have learned new communication and presentation methods to adapt. Whether for school or electronically hanging with friends, we all have adapted to a new normal. Although the current situation is not desired, it has taught me new skills such as self-reliance, adaptability, advocacy and self-discovery. Even in 2023, some of us are still living in times of isolation where diversity and inclusion needs to be prioritized more than ever. I, along with others here at Oregon Tech, are using our experiences along with personal morals to support the rights of every citizen and promote an open community that shares the value of acceptance and advanced knowledge. The year 2020 brought to the forefront many underlying discriminatory challenges of our society, including the challenges of democracy and diversity. Moving forward into 2024, we all need to be more involved in demonstrating our awareness, acceptance and inclusion of all citizens for the betterment of our United States. We are a global society, one human race, and all persons regardless of background, race, religion or financial upbringing deserve to have a voice and be recognized.
My Plans After Graduation
After I complete my bachelor's degree in Bio-Health Science here at Oregon Tech, I will pursue a DMD. Ideally, I will be attending OHSU which is my dream school for dental medicine. I would like to extend my education by studying orthodontics and opening my own clinic. This clinic will have the goal to provide affordable dental care for those in need - especially for children.