Jacy Wasoski
Alumni, Class of 2024

Extracurricular Activities

TOP Program member, Editor-in-Chief of The Edge, Avid Gamer, Digital Designer

A Little Bit About Me

I grew up in southern Oregon in a series of small towns. I graduated from Bonanza High School with a 3.88 GPA and continued that success into college. I enjoy reading, playing video games, and creating things. I have done everything from Pride Flags to full websites for individuals. I love creating digitally, but honestly am so bad at drawing. I grew up in 4H and FFA and have always been surrounded by animals (I currently have two cats). I was a member of the National Honor Society and even was a co-president of the chapter. In college, I have focused a lot of time and energy on re-vitalizing the newspaper. I am solely responsible for moving publications to an online website and increasing the staff from two to ten.

Why I Chose Oregon Tech and My Major

I chose Oregon Tech because it is close to my home. I love my family and have enjoyed being able to remain close to them. I also fell in love with the Oregon Tech campus and the TOP Program. The small classes make it even more enjoyable. I truly feel seen and heard here. Their diversity and inclusion are also noteworthy and well worth praise. As for my major, I chose it because of the digital media aspect.

My Influential Professors

Matt Frye was one of my all-time favorite professors. He did a lot of work in digital media and truly brought out the creative side of me. He was always a joy to be around and his classes were always a ton of fun to learn in. I miss having him as a professor. Another influential professor is Franny Howes. She has been amazing as an advisor and has helped me climb out of some pretty deep holes in life. Working with her on a summer grant project has been one of my college highlights and I am very excited to speak alongside her at a conference in June.

My Greatest Learning Experience At Oregon Tech

My greatest learning experience at Oregon Tech was realizing that I needed to put myself first. I quit trying to impress and please everyone else and began focusing on what gets me up in the morning. I am getting my degree for me, myself, and I. Learning to not make choices to benefit others was one of the hardest, and yet most important, things I have learned in college.

My Plans After Graduation

After graduating, I plan to go into social media or digital design. I am working on starting up a small consulting business where I will be able to assist small businesses with limited budgets and non-profits with their social media presence and branding. I love creating everything from logos to full websites.