Extracurricular Activities
PTK chapter at KCC Secretary
A Little Bit About Me
I grew up in California, and I moved here from Los Angeles County during the COVID-19 pandemic. I am an older student, a wife and a mom of a teenager and two young adult children that still live with their dad and me. We are thrilled to be here in Klamath Falls. We appreciate so much the rural Oregon setting, the slower pace and the lower cost of living. I appreciate the opportunity to go to school and am trying to make the most of every class.
Why I Chose Oregon Tech and My Major
A number of factors went into the decision to go to Oregon Tech. One was geography as I live in Klamath Falls. Though I take many online classes, there are times when meeting in person is very advantageous. Another key factor was the Badger-to-Owl program that is offered to KCC students. That program will stretch my financial aid, and that is very important to me.
My Influential Professors
My most influential advisor is Zach Jones in the TRIO office at KCC. As I have prepared essays and scholarship applications, his feedback has been outstanding. Other advisors and teachers have given feedback, but his is superior. It is very specific. And, he has really helped me to consider the audience. I had been considering the audience in a cursory way, but after working with him, I feel that my writing has improved immensely. It probably helped me to get these scholarships.
My Greatest Learning Experience At Oregon Tech
One experience that stands out was writing a research report as part of a group in my technical writing class. I served as the editor for the group of five students. That meant melding the work of myself, and my fellow students into one voice for the report. I also had to scramble with the help of one other student to make up for one student’s work that was sub-par. In the end we submitted a 30-page report with a table of contents, charts, a glossary, and an appendix.
My Plans After Graduation
I want to hold a position in Healthcare Quality or Performance Improvement, here in Klamath Falls. I really enjoy making a positive difference and working with health care professionals. There are a number of places I might land, Klamath Open Door, or Cascades East, but most likely and my most desired position would be with Sky Lakes Medical Center.