Extracurricular Activities
Peer Tutoring, building Pc's and keyboards, crocheting, raising and pinning insects, gardening, gaming
A Little Bit About Me
I was born and raised in the Portland area for most of my life. I have two little ones that are with me full time while I attend school in Klamath Falls and beyond; a boy who is five and a girl who is three. They are the primary reason I decided to move on from property management and real estate and go back to school for a higher education. I wanted to find something that fulfilled me as well as promised a safe and stable future for both of them so that they could follow their dreams as well. I am a first-generation college student, and I hope to be an influence on my children and give them the guidance I was missing in my personal, professional, and academic careers.
Why I Chose Oregon Tech and My Major
I chose Oregon Tech because this was really the only school in the state that provided a BS in the field that I was interested in, nuclear medicine. Originally, I was planning on joining the DMS program here, but after speaking with the professors in charge of NMT as well as a few alumni, I found that nuclear medicine might be a better fit for me and my personal family life.
My Influential Professors
I have been inspired to be the best care provider I can be for my future patients thanks to Professor Vanessa Bennett. I have gained a newly found deep appreciation for the nuclear medicine field and the chemistry behind it thanks to Professor Rick Hoylman. Additionally, I have been able to find humor in the darker and sometimes unfun parts of the field thanks to Professor Shirlee Templeton. It has been a treat to have three very different personalities and approaches to this field and gain valuable perspectives from each.
My Greatest Learning Experience At Oregon Tech
My greatest learning experience at Oregon Tech is likely the opportunity and privilege of being able to shadow nuc med techs at Sky Lakes in their Nuclear medicine department. It has been extremely helpful to witness the field I am studying in action and be able to see all of my knowledge learned in the classroom applied live and in action. I have been able to learn from alumni from my program who are now working in the field and be validated in my desire to become a nuclear medicine technologist.
My Plans After Graduation
After graduating I plan to work in the field primarily doing PET imaging. This will have a large cancer patient population. I feel for me personally it will be an emotional challenge, but I think the field could use someone passionate and empathetic who loves to work with people and bring positivity and light to a sometimes very dark place.