I just wanted to say that I really do appreciate the opportunity to do an externship. When I first decided that Psychology was my path, I was very nervous about the fact that I would have to do an externship. In the end, it pushed me to apply for jobs I probably would not have before and helped me gain experience and knowledge that I can use for a lifetime. My externship was very successful and I am excited to see what other programs I end up assisting with as this externship pushed me to pursue opportunities that I previously would not have. Thank you!
- Caylynn Houchen
Did anyone ever ask you, “What can you do with a degree in psychology?” Perhaps your friends and parents asked you that question when you declared your major, or maybe you aren’t even sure what to do with your degree. While psychology is one of the top majors for undergraduates nationally, for most students, it does not lead to careers in mental health. Only about 25% of students go on to graduate study in psychology (4-6% doctoral level, 20-22% master’s level). Most go into other fields, such as marketing, case management, sales, advertising, labor relations, rehabilitation services, real estate, social work, childcare, writing, probation/parole, teaching, and career counseling.
The Oregon Tech Applied Psychology Program prepares its students to use their degree after graduation through applied experiences, such as PSY 420 Externship. An externship pairs students with agencies, businesses, and organizations in their area and beyond to expose them to careers that employ concepts, principles, and techniques learned in coursework in the Applied Psychology program. Externship possibilities are available all terms, including summer. They can take place anywhere a suitable site is in the world. Working individually with the Externship Coordinator, students are guided to appropriate and meaningful externship sites that fit students’ lives and locations.
Practical experience is essential for students who plan to apply to competitive graduate programs in psychology-related fields. It also helps students learn whether they would enjoy a particular career or working with a certain population, as well as how to apply their psychology and academic skills in real-life situations. The experiences are varied. For example, students can volunteer in childcare and education, child protective services, human resources, academic mentoring, athletics, school systems, assault and crime victim services, businesses, non-profits, sexual health and reproductive services, and geriatric services. The staff at these sites are willing to educate, supervise, and mentor our students, as well as serve as references. They provide a service to our students that a purely academic program cannot provide. In return, our students are providing a service to the community through their activities. Oftentimes, this experience can get a student’s foot in the door at an agency and is a great opportunity for networking.
“Extern is a great hands-on experience in a possible career field!”
Students have enjoyed their experiences and commented that it helped them decide on future careers, as well as finding employment immediately upon graduation. If you are interested in signing up for PSY 420 Externship, you will need to complete PSY 317 Field and Career Preparation at least one term prior to your externship. This class covers information that will be used in setting up your externship, including the application process. While details are covered in PSY 317, please contact Dr. Alishia Huntoon (alishia.huntoon@oit.edu), Externship Coordinator, with further questions.